Wednesday, April 27, 2011

50 category of amphibians and reptiles

Chongzuo located in the southwest of Guangxi, is Southwest of political and economic transportation heart. Chongzuo long history, beautiful landscape, age times, like a luminous pearl inlaid on the left in the southern river banks. The entire city and Fusui Jiangzhou District , Yasuaki, Long states, Dah Sing, days, etc. 5 counties, hosted Pingxiang City. The total area of ​​173,450,000 square kilometers, with a total population of 2.265 million, is home to the Zhuang, Han, Yao, Miao and other nationalities. Chongzuo Tourism rich in natural scenery prodigious, solitary cultural landscape: the world of one of the 8 tower owned at the dragon fortress Chongzuo, Chongzuo Stone Forest and the end of the world's rare white-headed langur beasts home - get the official ecology keep; world's second largest boundary Falls - Dah Sing Tak Tin Waterfall, Mingshi rural landscape; China, one of the nine were the only boundary narrated - Pingxiang Friendship Pass; ancient weird Huashan Mural Ningming group and so on. In increase, the mysterious old border Historical and Cultural Landscape: Sino-French War history, the size of Citylink, border ancient stronghold, the Qing Dynasty tomb country people, the French Consulate, Chen Yonglie Temple, Red Army commemoration and 8 exotic border. Chongzuo is moving into China - ASEAN Free Trade District land access, and to sub-tropical farming, border industry, international trade, border tourism, mores and landscape garden Zhuang featuring modern regional chief city in Southwest of strides.
Chongzuo Ecological Park is located in Lee Township Board and Chongzuo Luo countryside at the junction of the pearly commanders get precious shrine, 35 km from the county, expressway approximately 125 km away from Nanning. Here the beauteous mountains, aesthetic environment, namely a typical subtropical karst landforms and normal resource conservation was an of relatively complete . the motif of ​​building the park from the School of Life Sciences, Peking University Professor Pan Wenshi and his crew proposed that the College of Life Sciences, Peking University, Urban Planning and Design Institute and autonomous regions have completed the careful blueprinting and feasibility study report in August 2000 accepted the citizen jury of experts .2001 January appraisal, Chongzuo ecological park began apt construct, has by far provided 9,000,000 yuan. has been built aboard Biological Diversity salons, exhibition auditoriums primates walls charts, and other key scenic outlook of the ape district, and aiding the construction of the hall, admission apartment, coffee mart, motel, canteen, restaurant, roads,beijing escort, public lavatories and other facilities, with the food, lodging, transmission, travel, shopping and other ingredients. Ecological Park has a absolute district of ​​about 24 square kilometers, where the life of one of the world's largest white-headed langur populations, a total of 25 groups of almost 250. white-headed langur is a semi-arboreal habitat in the tropical semi-rock monkeys, habitat in the karst mountain areas, the implementation of class, a state protected category, is the world's merely because the Chinese human discovered and appointed the Primate, 700 existing nigh the world, merely distributed in the south of the left rill, northwardly of Chongzuo Ridge Quartet , Fusui, Yasuaki, Long states four counties, including Chongzuo mountains is that they get the lawful delivery of the most condensed,shanghai escort, one of the most dense. In this magical land, also home to about 40 varieties of mammals, 150 species of birds, 50 species of amphibians and reptiles, and more than 100 species of medical plants, numerous of which are world-class rare species such for Camellia, land turtles, the smallest snake on world, evolutionary status of industry in insectivorous and trees within primates, with a wealthy and well-preserved biodiversity. Meanwhile, the team san get into, but too the delivery of wealthy limestone grotto, left in mammals and fossils of navy period, Zhuang forefathers and the remains of rock masterpiece sites and Cliff Clay County, Romania remains of the ancient city wall,caused at differ kinds of points, with precious Chongzuo physiographic and cultural scenery is an ecological park to defend natural for the intention of eco-tourism functions, including the protection, technological research, tourism, resort, renowned science pedagogy and integrated community services and other content area.

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