Thursday, April 28, 2011

vigorous student body and mind

Carbon Primary School 2008 - 2009 school year work blueprint for next semester
moral one, the guiding ideology:
to Moral Education Xiangfang District Plan as a guide to knowledge the to carry out ideological and moral construction. further change their notions, broaden calculating, strengthen the mansion, strengthening moral education curriculum resources, and strengthening the campus culture, and strive to improve our school moral education initiative, targeted and efficient,irregular elect flowers, matter-of-fact and innovative, standardized management, create traits.
II. goals
1. strengthen the management of moral practices, and promote moral conventional management institutionalized, standardized and orderly.
2. to strengthen moral education crew establishing and amplifying the moral education research activities.
3. strengthen the value of the work week.
4. carry out a diversity of moral education activities to enrich cultural life on campus, students cultivate sentiments.
5. refine agreeable habits, self-education play feature, so that Student self-management
Second, the work measures:
(a) focus
1. to develop education. my school education from the students to develop study habits, living habits, health habits, good courtesy, communication secondhand to start several aspects. Although accustomed to rely on family, school, community efforts in 3 areas; but the school sustained management and strict requirements will be effective. In the journal manufacture criteria continue to focus on the cultivation of primary on the foundation of education, focusing on increased inspection efforts. Strengthening Class Construction of culture, focusing on a good class air, study the culture. Each year, students in each class according to the position of alter levels, the students targeted moral education and civilization and ceremony education, strive to gradually form a good neatness of study, class atmosphere. In practice, starting from the everyday code of behave of education, focusing on the students focus on the basis of civilization and civilized manners of education and gradually develop good habits, study habits, habits of socialized manners. to study, proclaim and appliance the code as the starting point pupils, all grades have focused on the hierarchical requirements. each class tin use class team activities, morn meeting, and other outlets of publicity and education to improve their self-education, self-management skills to enable students to develop educational specifications in the Code develop and enhance small municipal virtue, integrity and education, five adore education, legal education, work safety, the Chinese traditional moralities and the revolutionary tradition of moral development and implementation of student action to develop education, regulate the annual behavior of students.
2. reinforce the campus mores, to establish a good educational context. Building Healthy active campus culture, campus open windows, radio stations and additional dissemination front, the shrewd affect on students education. enrich student leisure activities,shanghai escort, and strive to enhance the overall quality of students, the campus truly convert a heaven as students to grow and promote the cultural quality of the school.
3. to carry out ; Pioneers savings banks, make moral accustomed management institutionalized, standardized and orderly. to further improve the teacher evaluation system to work,toronto escort, in particular, to highlight the work of the class customary inspection, appraisal and award.
2. strengthen the moral construction workforce, improve the moral presidency team. the establishment of the class system of regular meetings once a month to learn perfected theory, the commute of successful experiences. formulate a good pate teachers training procedure. organize the enthusiasm of all the working class and creativity, and enhance the work of the responsibility, pay attention to the art work, relevance and effectiveness.
3. to beyond enhance the educational awareness of entire faculty, define their own moral responsibilities of situations, starting from regulating their own words and deeds, and actively guide students to create a correct view on life and merits, the formation of full, comprehensive ,toronto asian escorts, the entire pattern of moral education in schools, for schools to strengthen and improve ideological and moral construction of teachers strengthen the foundation.
4. to strengthen and improve the building of the Young Pioneers play the role of the Young Pioneers union. Young Pioneers school moral education work movement is the cardinal front. Pioneers should be according to their characteristics, continue to focus on the ceremony, the team exercise of cadres and other conventional education; to a important anniversary, the festival as an opportunity to carry out a variety of special activities, lively student body and mind, improve their quality, develop moral temperament and magnificent good habits.
5. the formation of schools, families, public education efforts. to establish home-school contact system, the work to proceed to do home visits, home visits should make a log every time. by parents, parents contact writing, A letter to parents, home visits and other forms of family education contents, methods, methods of guidance.
6. with moral education issues, focusing on single parent families, divorced families,shanghai massage, needy families, students and other special family education and management complete the project initial results
7. to carry out cerebral health education activities, regularly open counseling chamber.
months of work . opening ceremony
2. development of school moral education work plan
3. leave school exhibition
4. conduct br> 5.
6. consolidating the > March 3, National Ear Care Day; March 5, studying from Lei Feng Day; March 8, International Women's Day; March 12, Arbor Day; 15 March, World Consumer Rights Day; 3 22, World Water Day; March 28, safety schooling by primary and secondary students.
April Thanksgiving the orthodox activities of education on the educational revolution
1. improve the campus culture and class culture
2. revolution traditional education (Thanksgiving Thanksgiving martyrs nation)
3. Spring Games
4. Ching Ming Festival; April 7, World Health Day; April 22, Earth Day; April 24 -4 30, National Love the Birds Week.
Labor Education in May apt grow the campus theme of my train Activity Summary January
1. carry out the ; level appointment
3. celebrate the Red Cross Day; May 15, the National Disabled Day; May 31, World No Tobacco Day.
, June holiday wishes
1. celebrate the article)
2. World Environment Day; June 6, China Sight Day; June 26, International Day Against Drugs.
July diligent study and education on
1. to do the terminal examination of the mobilization
2. end summary of the work, laid holidays
3. safety education, lawful education
Carbon primary
2009 年 3 月 5 日

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