Saturday, April 23, 2011

let us make a mysterious reflection in .

April 22 is Earth Day
1970年4 22, by a Harvard University student Denis . Hayes initiated and mobilized by the environmental protection activities , as Xinghuoliaoyuan . throughout the United States a aggregate of more than 2000 folk attended , almost 1 Ten thousand basic and secondary schools , 2,000 campuses and universities and the country's important teams attended the accident , the day became the 1st Earth Day .
1972 National Conference on Human Environment held in Stockholm in 1973, the United Nations Environment Programme Department was established to defend the context since the administration agencies and unions worldwide continue to increase, Earth Day, have played one essential role . So Earth Day has become a universal event , China since 1990 , Earth Day , held each annual Memorial campaign .
address the role and namely addresses the normal role of the havoc of Earth's ecological environment , accordingly bringing the cause of human life , loss of material wealth, catastrophe memorabilia , collectively referred to as geological disasters. China is the world's most solemn geological disasters in the country One. obstruction of geological disasters , was established in 1999 of Earth Day , Earth Day is the theme of the third ten .
Earth Day , namely the mother's confession of Earth Day .
Chinese history The maximum crisp ecosystems, are undergoing the largest population in history and the largest evolution pressure . adore the people by family , so we take good care of the basis of national survival do it! Earth Day , let us make a profound reflection in .

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