Thursday, May 5, 2011

the 5 elements namely Goldwater Muhuo soil

Shocked by the swine flu was underway,shanghai massage, there are a number of schools have been coerced to repeal the National Day, Mid-Autumn Festival vacation, the swine flu was absolutely rent people's normal life, and how hereafter evolution is illegible, came along the emulating prevention direction Although not a regular road feel, a morsel esoteric and mystic, but it really makes sense. can give this plan and annotated thoroughly so must be one adept who would like to.
world today, people corrupt, imbalance of yin and yang, five elements red grams, so a heap of disasters continued. Sutra says: , the people do? people can not be attributed to Chiang Kai-shek, can not poise the yin and yang; can not equilibrium of yin and yang, five elements will not be cis; five elements are not coils, a great many disasters will persist to happen.
the five elements that Goldwater Muhuo soil, in the human body is the five internal organs, is the five parties in the world. Ms Margaret nice man said: The elementary law is harmony, harmony is the yin and yang balance; yin and yang balance, is owned by Road, Hopewell Road. What is the Road? from a humanitarian who, in short, is that everyone's chapter. who do their farming Officer job, to do his responsibility, the responsibility of everyone to abide by their own to Hop Road; if to bishop vices, the detriment of our own duties, is losing Road.
Hop Road always the world, the earth tin harmony; harmony, corner can push the 5 factors; the 5 ingredients to move forward, all the normal biochemical, no merely the accident of various natural disasters.
human body is a small world. human lung and kidney spleen heart of the five elements can not work properly,shanghai massage, the body will produce disease. the world as well. the lawful segment of society is a society the five elements, the official section of society moral hazard, the five elements muddle, social unrest and disasters inevitably generate. For example, the body's sore, is the subsidence in the natural places; the body's qi, in the natural aspect is the air; So, to say, all the malign the world is entirely the result of Heaven and Man.
the length of human things, shall on benefit of the days way street, for a kind of animal models and examples of co-channel only. to today's colossal Most people, cunning greedy, evil ecology of mind, meat, savage animals than that scourge of the world often, Souls have been seeding. Ironically, under the scourge of mankind established their own, but in turn, reprove their own sin made to the animals. People can query ourselves to calculate about, since period immemorial, the human pests, or physical damage to it? how numerous people every year to kill pigs, how many pigs eat? pig leather, pig peel straps, cilia brushes, and all sorts of biological products, not all derived from animals? this to say, humans are the most marble, the most ruthless, the most ungrateful animals do?
order to encounter their ever-expanding human appetites, nearly lunatic as the exploitation and plundering of natural resources, human and additional creatures for the survival of the ecological surroundings havoc, water pollution, deforestation, the Earth became so full of chasms, foul, these are human beings do? or animals is it?
today's increasingly solemn and increasing natural disasters, clearly the evil of human species for of their own, made their own sin, the dead man had the audacity deny it, and not blame the bird flu to birds body, the SARAS blame to the civet cat who now blame repeatedly swine flu to pigs. Who could have plenty certify that the swine flu is spread from pigs to humans? pig who is the spread of influenza? Humanity must understand that a remove, today the spread of swine influenza in the world, not the pig influenza, but a appropriate human transportation of novel viruses, is a human plague!
swine influenza viruses of today's popular nor namely the H1N1 virus, the virus is not H5N1, but a afterward a fashionable tug variation, namely is, the virus is currently not pill that can be controlled. may be a number of pill companies today, but illiterate of the rectitude to tell lies, claiming that they have successfully amplified a swine flu vaccine, this is not a liar What is it? well as those production profits, take advantage of fishing a businessman, demanding that drugs can control the swine flu tt. If you pressed beyond, the narcotic actually competent to control the swine flu? they buzz and haw to mention, at least can melodrama a decisive effect. efficacy and control are 2 another notions. if that effect, simply take a deep expiration, eat extra vegetables and fruits can effect of various flu, but can say this means you can control the swine flu?
imbalance of yin and yang of today's world, the Five Elements red gram, people corrupt and morally bankrupt, resulting in a variety of disasters continue to occur, from Heaven and Man point of view, to talk about cause and effect of avian influenza:
fowl in five acts of fire, Huozhu culture, the avian flu pandemic, a bird from heaven, died in the floor, landing the picture of civilization. fire located in the South, in the ten Second Earthly Branches for the p.m., so the bird flu from the South (Southeast Asia) began to spread, Meridian hedge, so the bird flu from south to north along the circulation.
reasons: human yin fire personally. official who home-fire, but some is Politicians can not lead by example, set an example for the four classes, but corrupt they simply personal renown and gain, regardless of people's livelihood; world fame, contradictions squabbles, like narcissism, good face, cute and hate, debauchery; these are human Yin Fire Allusions phenomenon.
consequences: pique injured. reign, the South had disaster; in animals, as birds in distress; in the human body, it is high blood pressure, heart disease, high blood diseases hh.
determine method: human beings must, in turn, went to Yang on the bombard, so all the pertinent class of fire disasters such as woods fires, bird flu, certainly can not furnish.
sensor and from the viewpoint of Nature and Man, speak approximately the swine flu Causality:
pig behavior in five water,shanghai escort, water is the wealth and wisdom, swine flu epidemic, corruption of wealth and wisdom like. Pigs in the twelve Earthly Branches for the Hideaway, situated in the northwest, so the swine flu from the north-west (North America ) began to scatter, f Hai conflict, terror of swine flu spread from the northwest to the southeast around.
reasons: human cloudy water personally. In order to meet their ever-expanding human desires, wanton destruction of the ecological environment, water pollution, this is the deterioration of the water like; money is water, unscrupulous people of the world, pillage and kill for money, swindling, acquire filthy money, filthy money to cost, this is the corruption of the water like; people not correct, the machine questing treachery, ingratitude , Tanjiu greed, this is the corruption of the water like; amid housewives living in a level, not dutiful housekeeper, messing around with people appearance, this is the corruption of the water like; businessman alive level, traders not to operate whether, Quo advantage, the main genuine, but the mercenary to counterfeit true, Kengpian purchasers,today alternatively so chilly ~ ~ do no favor winter, which is the deterioration of the water like.
consequences: water vapor harmed. dynasty, the northwardly a disaster; in five animals, as pigs in distress; in person, the bladder and kidney were increased; in the social, economic, buffet, wrong businessmen.
along saying: a lot of rich human in this resort, this is to be a really arouse the conscience of the people, to stop those greedy, callous rich, unscrupulous, ravenous who plunders the asset.
global recession two years, is variant tsunami, people shrieked him the financial tsunami. Shui Health Disaster ailment class of entities First, water can not creatures, collection deserving to overrunning; Second, water is taint grams. the real estate manufacture in the five elements are earth, the world's fiscal creations and businessmen in the five elements of water, the financial emergency stems from Bank of USA honor on real estate This is should be soil grams of water. Some international financial creations and jobbers in the legitimacy, the treatment of the stock mart and futures market,shanghai escort, a monopoly of resources, wealth, plunders, dry as a thief perform, leading to additional social disparities, which more than the abuse of water, but eventually died of his own money and wealth, like the tsunami in Southeast Asia as merchants died. The only feud is that the tsunami is not water, but their accumulated wealth. hydropower raw lumber, In the five permanent members of the cardinal wood benevolence, philanthropy and public welfare in society is the occasion of maximum of the businessmen do not pity, do not ambition liberalness money to aid the poor of the people, which is water from raw wood.
anything in the world has its own cause and effect. Many businessmen in the present financial crisis in the bankruptcy of suicide, not so many who died in occurrences and natural disasters, as that died in their lust and wealth. soil grams of water, pigs is water, so the swine fever pestilence in the nation, the number of ten million pigs were massacred manipulation. So, to say, all things related with the dismal water will lead to corresponding disaster.
resolve method: the world must put water into a yin yang water, so water-related natural disasters can not afford. by saying: people talk about faith, justice is a gold, to the golden land, land greed forget grams of water from natural disasters. Rende motives not only to businessmen, but too to Zhangyishucai, in the public amuse, this not only can grow their own fate, but also can be stretched their own value. Gatha said:
approve their fate is not acknowledged acknowledged account, hard to leave the body soft and life skills;
human loyalty is real gold, real gold is not afraid Huo-yen aggression.
five Huang forthcoming evil, the reversal of yin and yang Kyrgyzstan God;
afraid everybody gives the god of plague, the god of plague were still afraid of Hau.
conceal masks to dodge the pestilence, I'm scared mouth hard cover cover Heart;
said hand cleaning was not plague, turned out the heart is the Blast root.
said to the Buddha made of all idealism, all have fruit for a reason;
Wu Jin Yan Road, messaging intonations, no epidemic plague Reformed world.

Atlanta Hawks

Western Union:
1, Phoenix Suns (Phoenix Suns): team built in 1968, non-New York is the capital of Arizona, the annual precipitation infrequent, bright, with representational.
2, San Antonio (San Antonio Spurs): NBA's an of the founding crew, the premier period the team headquarters in Dallas, the team cried Texas oak Force evolution of the western United States may reflect specifics of the times.
3,toronto escorts, Seattle (Seattle Supersonics): the team was born in Seattle, is the world's largest aircraft contractor Boeing's headquarters .1967 established in the team time, Boeing is formative the manufacture of supersonic aircraft, Boeing's aid in the institution of the team also chose the , team owner in the convergence to approximately four thousand six hundred names, select the unmatched by other NBA teams, has fair established called the settled Sacramento, changed its name to Agency (NASA) in Houston, where, the , home based in Vancouver, Canada,shanghai massage, and Western Canada is a representative animal for the Memphis Grizzlies.
8, Los Angeles Lakers (LA Lakers): 1948, joined NBA, the Lakers still in Minnesota A Indianapolis, but a aircraft crash, the Lakers owner make a resolved exertion, in 1960 moved to Los Angeles. team name is the name of solicitation to.
9, Minnesota (Minnesota Timberwolves): 1989 joined NBA, Minnesota zone to the digit of a savage wild beasts, Denver (Denver Nuggets): formerly , the breakthrough of gold in Denver.
11, Los Angeles Clippers (LA Clippers): 1970 Founded in Buffalo (Buffalo), the team called shook to San Diego, changed its name to the centre of the western development, hence the , the team called birth and in Philadelphia, the team called > 15, New Orleans (New Orleans Hornets): 1988 built in Charlotte and enter the NBA,shanghai massage, the team's team VI is a drastic class wasps, is collected from the community to work, distinct Charlotte The metropolis too has bee emblem ideas .2002 along the Charlotte Hornets moved to New Orleans.
Eastern Conference:
1, Miami (Miami Heat): 1988 was established in the team warm and agreeable by Four Seasons Miami, Florida, so many teams were selected after the election menu of 2, Detroit Pistons (Detroit Pistons): 1948 joined the NBA headquarters in Futehuaien when the boss is engaged in fabrication piston, Detroit is still in use after the name.
3, Boston Celtics (Boston Celtics): 1946, the 11 ice hockey bosses to consult setting up a fashionable basketball alliance, so students should be shipped BAA, the Celtics are the first One of the 11 teams. As many Irish immigrants in Boston,shanghai escort, many of which emigrants are the Celtics, so the team first built a team name called The results 6000 extra than one third of the ballots in the ballot have chosen ; Bullets Wizards a major leisure and entertainment and 1966, joined the NBA, because the exigencies of trapeze Michael m Michael Jordan, Chicago Bulls is definitely the maximum in the world renowned NBA team. Chicago, animal husbandry is well amplified, the city's vocational football and vocational baseball teams have an animal name named the team, and the , then nor the Philadelphia 76ers in Philadelphia, the home, there is no name because the 76ers,why it forever brings cries, but played a quite rich averaging of the name of patriotism Syracuse Nationals .1937 mm was established in the Scylla Qiuzi national team with the NBL (National Basketball League) and ABB (American Basketball Association) mixed in 1949 joined the NBA, 1963 after the change was moved to Philadelphia neutral local.
9, Indiana (Indiana Pacers): also called pomegranate Indianapolis Colts .1976 joined the NBA, the Pacers English name is Pacecar one of the elements indispensable. Nets reason this name, either to and ascend up the points among basketball and partly because the tennis team back in New Jersey before the establishment of the New York baseball teams have been METS and football JETS, At that time the two teams have full-fledged, the Nets played a homonym of the 2 teams NETS, what it really Xiangzhan light.
11, Milwaukee Bucks (Milwaukee Bucks): 1968 joined the NBA, and many do not know what animal names as the team named to the team, the Milwaukee team in the naming himself also indecisive, in the end, including Select a nice jumping ability, yet also onward the wild Milwaukee is the Long (Toronto Raptors): Raptors born in 1995, when as portion of NBA expansion abroad, home is located in Toronto, Canada, the team were also collected from the final chose fierce, quickly, jumping high All habits. Charlotte Bobcats in 2004, joined the NBA.
15, Atlanta Hawks (Atlanta Hawks): originally named as the was moved to Milwaukee later the name was changed to


One of Earthquake Series
information public remarks do not fall down
Tongda Huan talent
If snowstorm swept via during the Spring Festival than half of South China, then May 12 14:28 PM in Wenchuan County, Sichuan 7.8 magnitude earthquake, also shook the whole of China, Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Shanxi, and Shaanxi provinces and cities extensive have clearly felt. the people have been buried ruins, deserving to transportation,shanghai massage, communications interruption, earthquake epicenter about 6 million people was heard.
apt highlight it to the earthquake, the best prevention namely apt prophesy. But it is said, the hardship of earthquake prophecy is quite lofty. but in reality, the sensitivity of beasts, sometimes in a large part alternatively further the modern science and technology. A few days antecedent a newspaper said 80,000 tons of Enshi a water reservoir 5 hours away. At that period a kind of vision was reported online namely, if it were not for into the imprison Jingmen chicken, fly trees, so Some people pray as the human in Hubei, said there may be 10 February earthquake .5 The sign appears. at the regional forestry department annotated that the movement is normal toads, indicating Mianzhu obtaining better and better ecological context.
However,that is, later the earthquake, China Earthquake Administration adept who declined to be appointed said it is uncommon animal reaction, is not br> I do not understand why, we clearly know thatthere will be a important earthquake some animals ahead the erratic answer, and why this issue tin not forecast the earthquake department? If the department can not accurately forecast the earthquake position and magnitude of characteristic, in the near scope make a shot is good in the least, to caution people to do a little readiness, the temporary popularity of the perception almost an earthquake 也好. but our relevant departments seems to have naught, merely await for fate to the people coming disaster and death. Perhaps for of our disaster prevention and disaster crisis information system not working,beijing massage, poor communication from top to bottom, but this is accurate what we need to reform the thing; maybe in order to prevent dread, but the 2 evils select the light, terror of casualties than good. < br> According to Peking University sociologist introduced in the Yangtze River, the same importance, as the case of population density, the number of casualties is forever lower than amplified countries, fewest developed countries. Japan is the world's 1 of the largest earthquakes,shenzhen escort, but routinely does not humans impaired too, the common sixty-seven earthquake, tens to hundreds of people died, the lowest in the earth. Contemporary Japanese deadliest earthquake in history example is the God of the final century, Osaka earthquake in the nineties, it is the best place in the Japanese economic prosperity, the maximum concentration of manufacture, population and establishing the most intensive zone, a absolute of more than 5,000 people dead, has been a very special case.
developed countries, disaster preparedness, premier reflected in the accent on the prediction, generally necessitate department by the time the forecast predicted a disaster, it must accuse the public in some way the possibility of a disaster, memorize that the communication is portended to require that in the earthquake, in the accident of two or three days before,toronto escorts, to be issued at the Prime Minister himself to hide some serious forecast, guiding to the unsuspecting public, resulting in the wastage shirked this. Such forecasts, in developed countries, but also contained in the public , although not necessarily very high accuracy.
lesson, Japan has a comprehensive earthquake misadventure prevention system of monitoring. We may not be as technically kin, but more essential is the concept and the rule of law than others, principally in message disclosure than ashore protecting the rights of others. . We say that timely disclosure of information, paradise will not fall; we ought, in corner, said: information is not open, days that fall aboard the collapse.

adaptedness foods are assorted. those who absence dietary fiber intake

Melamine milk powder episode, I often near friends,beijing escort, said: The most recent milk safety, love drinking milk can be ensured. These words above the Internet has occasioned many people's suspicions, saying namely must be charged the price of dairy merely talk for them. In fact,shanghai massage, the reason for keen ebb in sales of dairy productions cared, indeed no because I have no mawkish ties with the undertaking, yet for of the penniless cows.
Once users significantly depress milk expense, the National thousands of dairy farmers ambition go bankrupt. a cow worth hundreds of thousands, is their wish for the entire household. And their family to those poor cows milk in the real possession behind the overload, once the mall is shortening, they are being slaughtered to train in . muse of the fate of the cows, and my heart is not the taste.
another point of view, we are only fewer milk in order to reduce the number of cows, milk product is to reduce their burden. Similarly, only to eat less meat in mandate to reduce the number of meat livestock pigs, in order for them not to have the life that is forced fattening. Perhaps this is why it hh
6 years antecedent, I have done the research yogurt, and now I make soy milk at research. Many people are querying, can not replace with soy milk, soy milk is not better than drinking milk well. then charges a tongue another, to speak almost soy milk diet substitute it.
than milk and milk , 5 big advantage:
1 with plant health elements, including soy isoflavones, soy saponin, soy polysaccharides, soybean oligosaccharides, and other polyphenolic materials. These will always help discourage many chronic diseases. Without these components in milk.
2 with vitamin E and unsaturated fatty acids, saturated fatty sour content is low, do not embody cholesterol.
3 contains dietary fiber. soymilk soluble fiber effectively okara in a colossal digit of insoluble fiber . milk namely no dietary fiber.
4 low calorie, protein and fat percentage is 2:1, while the milk is 1:1.
5 as a vegetation edible, soybeans relative to the hazard of contamination of animal Food is much smaller. once and for all, complicated to fake beans, soy milk is likewise playing its own processing to lest whichever likely contamination and adulteration links.
milk likened with milk, there are less than the Department, a calcium content is low, two does not contain vitamin AD, vitamin B2 and B6 three were significantly lower than that of milk.
milk beverage was uneasy, soy milk,beijing massage, too, some people are emotional to oligosaccharides and anti-nutritional ingredients can lightly guide to bloating and production GAS. but at a time the customary assimilation and absorption, this reaction was no premonitory health peril, may first control the amount, gradually increasing,alteration quite presently, can be removed until after intestinal adaptation.
ambitioning to activity the advantages of soy milk to make up for its shortcomings , just a bowl of milk per day, when care to three points:
1 remember the daytime in the sun activities for at least half one hour,toronto escorts, get ample vitamin D, calcium digestion and can help enhance the role of strong bones.
2 eat an egg, including egg yolk, way to which vitamin A, vitamin D and vitamin B2, B6.
3 eat half a bean, or a tablespoon of sesame with half a jin of vegetables, can vouch the number of calcium .
fact, use soy milk instead of milk, as you can eat breakfast, to eat cake, sandwiches and the favor. take a see at this breakfast:
2 slices of whole wheat bread, they use a small amount of salad wearing, soy sauce or spicy what a thin wrapping of sauce, sandwiched into a tender omelet, cucumber, 3, 2 lettuce leaves; do not like egg, tofu slices can be spiced or cup to a sandwich to eat; add a small tomato or an orange.
so you can enjoy the savory milk and health effects, but also elementary to the nutritional quality of milk can be said that the United States either globes. Home milk can also add a kind of health materials, more competent to adjust to every person's specific health needs. all kinds of soy grain, soy milk, soy flour and additional products, quality varies greatly, can not be generalized.
another human, because of physical distinctions, alteration foods are assorted. those who lack dietary fiber intake, constipation effortless, simple folk Health and smallpox, people with tall blood lipids, post-menopausal women, may be more suitable for drinking milk. and those who skinny physique, dyspepsia easy diarrhea, abdominal distension who absence vitamin A, dry eyes, might be obliging yogurt than milk.
from ecological point of view, mainly vegetarian life, is extra favorable to retaining the ecological balance. in ensuring the nutritional balance based on the use of soy milk, soy milk and meat choices, after an environmental value.
Reminder: Remember to give precedence to purchasing servant soybean! northeast of quality soybean less portly, high protein, so the quality is far better than milk U.S. imports of genetically modified beans. Shanxi black soybean Zeyi best, Inner Mongolia, Hebei is also good.
my relevant log:
2008-09-21 | peanut glue and soy milk you can substitute?
2008-07-18 | hot beans will soak up a carcinogen?
2008-05-07 | what to dine while peckish?
2008-04-24 |
2008-04-16 | how to drink milk without fat
2008-04-13 | home excellent direction to retention the milk
2008-01-22 | br> 2007-02-06 | how to help you make the milk calcium?
2004-09-01 | beauteous women need to have the backing of

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preferential honor because a diversity of inventions

Abadon (Abaddon)
Open way braved Bitian cloud aperture bottomless pit door, and then Abadon locusts led to the magic out of the naval, so that by five months of undergoing humanity. Abadon is the Hebrew word abadm he would kill - generating , and translated into Greek Apollyon, is the Education (Zoroastrimism, but also for Zoroastrianism, Zoroastrianism) said Angela. Manuel (Angra Mainyu), wrong sector, the maximum God, darkness and death of Lord British. Ahriman regarded with the Zoroaster God, Ahura. Mazda ongoing skirmish.
From: Persian
Category: devil
dangers: destruction of days off to
fighting: the class of God
Ahuizotl ( Water Monkey)
cannibalism in the Central American myth of monsters, half man, half monkey, tail minister has a hand grab to the water for people, especially eating the eyes, teeth and nails, sometimes with their own cry the people lead to water, will be caught.
from: Central USA
Category: Monsters
risk: high
combat: second-rate monster
Alcmene (AZ Mexico Line ) / Arachne (Allah Arachne)
Thebes, wife of King Anfeite Law Weng, YJ, after giving birth to Hercules by Zeus of Hercules. Arcana Line proficient Mexican weaving, Athena had challenges loom skills lost due to suicide, Athena will be reincarnated as a spider his soul, a woman upper body, lower body for the spiders, by the time the spider has eight legs, a mammoth spider living in the often weaving. legend She parasites in the human head, eating human will.
From: Greece
Category: Monsters
risk: unknown
combat: third-rate monster
Angel (Angel)
Jews, Christians and Muslims deem that angels are spiritual body of God service. Angels are the embodiment of adults usually have wings. God created man made the seraph before.
angels grading, said to have four discriminated around the throne of God, the Archangel. Gabriel, Mi Jiale, Lovell, Uriel. an angel and two Angels are a group of exceptionally lovely angel is said to be closest to God's angels. subsequent civilian put the Angels Legend of fantasy as chubby, winged child. There are some Christians believe that each of us will have a guardian angel emerge from to follow us and guide look after us in life.
six winged angel is known as the High Seraph . said:
Seraphim as seraphim, the angels compliment God. on the two wings they covered their faces, the two wings they covered their feet, two wings to fly; filled the whole earth! cherubim Cherubimn (the guardian of the Garden of Eden)
Thrones Ofanims (God's car)
Angel Corps three teams in the middle:
main angel Dominions (treatment of angels, God is responsible for the implementation of tasks assigned)
Virtues Virtues (the executor of miracles)
Angel Powers (heaven frontier fort)
3 teams in the lower Angels Legion:
rights Angels Principalities (Angel Army governor)
colossal Angels Archangels (responsible because communication between persons with God)
Angels Angels (general general guardian angel)
From: Hebrews
Category: eastern God
risk: behalf, but the multi-line injustice is liable to damn the
combat: as the grade of the
Ashmodeus (Ash Mexico Zeus)
Christian, one of the seven deadly sins [thirst] of the devil. The devil may be occasioned by Zoroastrianism from pass over the Persian was originally a Nestorian devil Ahriman one of the six men, Aeshma-deva, is the lust of the devil. evolution into Christianity, is outside the Code, one convict to Babylon, Israel) in the debut. His favorite human beings exclusively women, kill all the men and that women get married. archangel Raphael finally applied to extract a prototype list, fled to Egypt after the Archangel Gabriel Qin Zhu.
From: Hebrews / Persian
Category: Demon
risk: high
fighting: S
Bahamut (Bahamut)
Behemoth ( Bashir Holmes, see beneath) in the plural manner of person's world view, shaped like one colossal fish Bahamut, floating in a sea of ​​no bubble, in which the back is a giant cow, cattle back carrying a ruby ​​mountain, the mountain there is a angel, angels head is six re- hell, hell on Earth, the Earth is above the Seventh Heaven. Bahamut's body in the open, under the sea, ocean abyss of darkness underneath, and then following the fire of the ocean, a snake crawling on the bottom, if it were not for because of fear of Allah, the snake will swallow all creation is the navel. Bahamut is so large, the human eye can not reach, After Bahamut, who collapsed to the layer senseless for three days and three nights.
But Arab
dangerous animal: Unknown
combat: Unknown
Final Fantasy muster
Beelzebub (Bill Zerbe)
also known as Baal-Zebul, Baal-Zebub, known only to Lucifer, even when medical management when he answered whether he is depending on both the King of Ghosts Beelzebub actors out demons.
From: Hebrews
Category: Demon
dangers: destruction of days off to
combat; S +
Black Annis (Black Anni Si)
swamp living in the Scottish Highlands or cannibalism on the slopes of the witch, blue skin, one-eyed, old and ugly, often sitting on a crowd of bones appearance the grotto, if no one can eat, it will catch behind some of the sheep or deer eat.
from : Scotland
Category: Monsters
risk: high
combat: D
Brownie (brown Wizard)
Scottish legendary good elves, naughty boy (see Hobgoblin) variety. long,shanghai massage, like to live alone, sometimes in teams. and not the same as a number of additional naughty lad, brown elves do not like a practical joke, they want to live in harmony with others, if you are good, they will help you do the housework, But you can not give them compensation, a award they will ever gone to, you can return them by other manner, for example, they may accidentally left the place after some food (such as their preference drink milk). If you are brown sorcerer insulting (they sometimes are vulnerable to injury), will leave you and take away your good luck; if the abuse was great, they will alteration for the above mentioned Bojia Te (Boggart), continue to give you trouble.
Some people think that brown elves really lacking the Neolithic Age, marathon, suffering from outer invasion and forced to flee into the ground, some people feel that they are the patron angel of the Roman family Lal (Lar) descendant .
From: Scotland
Category: Monsters
risk: benefit / in
fighting: E ​​
Calydonian Boar (Kalv winter wild boar)
Greek mythology, the goddess of hounding Al Timmy Adams sent to the winter wilderness ravaged Kalv boar, was killed by Mexican Carlos Le leather.
From: Greece
Category: Monsters
risk: high
combat: B-
Carbuncle (Cabin Kerr, precious stones beast)
carbuncle ------ English aboriginal intent was to ruby, from Latin Carbunculus, averaging small Carboniferous. In mineralogy, it belongs to Ruby Ruby and Garnet Department.
precious beast from a legend: According to legend, the world record in the 16, the Spaniard saw a recondite being, a ruddy on his forehead jewel, people will obtain this jewel wealth and pleasure. Although there are many hazards find gems in the animal house, but the outcome is that no one ever saw.
From: Unknown
Category: Monsters
risk: None
combat: E-
Catoblepas (Ka Tuobu Lai Pasi)
the word in Greek as to kill the creature, if it is such a monster raised his head and then the legend of the first hh from Africa, because of its eyes has the effect of the die, and the Basilisk is sometimes muddled. For the same cause, it is also known as the Gorgon, This is the notable Medusa in Greek mythology confusing, but too many feud between the two hh fashion may be alike to the ability of the bar was so confused! this monster's skin is very hard, is said to be the same scale as the iron cover It is the body.
Gila described upon (penetrate Basilisk), we have referred to Blair Pass Cato, Pliny the Younger in the , according to his records, Cato Black Pass produced in the Nile by the source, kill. Some people calculate namely it is the model of wildebeest (South Africa produced a large antelope like cattle). because you can kill with a glance, so that at the Middle Ages, Cato Black Pass is thought an of a snake monster.
: Biological
risk: Disaster
combat: B +
Cecrops (engraved Chloe Phillips)
the legendary first throne of Athens, landlord of the upper body, lower body dragon. about his Legbring an end to ... Virgil's Category: Biological
risk: the
fighting: E ​​+
Centaur (Sagittarius strange)
Centaur in Greek mythology is a strange half-human half-horse, is affixed to scatter in King Ixion and the cloud product (Ixion careless pursuance of days due to the love of Hera, Zeus was kept knotted in hell forever turn the cycle on the penalty). Centaur There are many categories, some with the human body and limbs, but enhancement of the waist is back to scamper for the trunk and hind legs, and some have a couple of wings, and some long ears and a pair of horses, which are derived from Onocentaur, Bucentaur and Leontocentaur such names. In addition to Ken Ross family Chiron Tao ( Hakata Xuezhi of strange men, Achilles,beijing massage, and Asclepius Hermes preceptor, who gave their lives to save the Prometheus) and the relatively low level of Puhe Luo tribe, the largest part of the strange men with the liquor, violence, sex interlocked.
the centaurs are half man and half horse animal, it is often described as an unfinished work. Centaurs is Dionysus's followers, it is known alcohol and love charm. They live in North Greece, Thessaly's Pelion mountain, different way of saying they live in the Russian Intuit Salia Tashan and Perley Aung San. originally gods came to earth for punishment.
in the Near East some of the people of archaic sculptures and paintings also found traces of strange men, which is usually half-man half-horse hunter costume, bows and arrows is their chief weapon, the Near East people be regarded as the patron saint of their own. the Middle Ages men reprove a work of art in the English Channel, Bayeux tapestry stored in an exhibition hall here, where it recorded the Norman Conquest of 1066 events).
From: Greece
Category: Biological
risk: the
combat: E +
Cerberus (Cerberus)
E Kade it (see Echinda) and Typhon (see Typhon) in the offspring, the gatekeeper of hell in Greek mythology, the dog, the dog has three heads (He Xiao De's All roads snake. Hercules Hercules one of the tasks is to catch it back from hell, wearing the breastplate of Hercules, wearing lion skin, it would be uniform, back to Yang, Cerberus see the sun too afraid to spit out a toxic saliva, saliva trickling poison into a extremely toxic Aconitum ground grass. In addition to Hercules, the sun god Apollo, son of Orpheus has defeated Cerberus, According to legend, Orpheus good harp, the piano can be moved to vegetation, animals, and stone, to his wife Oriflame Dike rescued from hell, Orpheus Presley harp made by the hands of Cerberus resting.
Virgil said Cerberus had three throat, Ovid it is the cry of the trio, as Bishop Butler put it over the triple crown (the Bishop is the gatekeeper of heaven, hell Cerberus porter dog). Nordic mythology, there are a named Jiaer Mu (Garm) hell dog, it has four eyes were red with blood, temperament is very bloody, and, like Cerberus guarding the road to hell the door. Brahmanism offerings of God Yama's dog also has four eyes, Brahmanism and Buddhism in the hell are all covered with dog, who they are tortured soul.
From: Greece
Category : Warcraft
risk: high
combat: A-
Cockatrice (chicken snake)
a look like a snake and a rooster tail of the demon. Cockatrice in the Middle Ages drawing, heraldry, statue, architecture (for the church's decorations) in large numbers, it has a cock's head, body and legs, the snake's tail, the body favor a bird, yet it does not cover the plumes, yet covered with snake scales . namely said to be from the public and the snake eggs hatched, a person namely staring the ability of folk to the petrochemical or necrosis. Interestingly, antagonism the large mathematics of chickens in the craft in the snakes, but the story about it has few, Perhaps because it is the power to slay with a peep also muscular, tin not detect in literature the position (merely with the eyes of Medusa cornered folk into stone). in modern fantasy fiction tin be base on the chicken snake content, Square Enix's classical game (Cyclops)
living in Greek mythology, the island of Sicily three storm god mmBrontes (Raytheon), Sterops (power of God), and Arges (thunderbolt of God), they all belong to a giant family, features a ;, only the middle of his forehead in one eye. The Cyclops had been imprisoned in Tartarus (the abyss below Hades) among the later to transform the legend of the three wonderful blacksmith, to help the fire and the blacksmith of the gods Hefei Storrs forging artifacts, according to legend Zeus in the hands of the Lightning is cast by these three giants. In the original mythology, they are the son of North Ola, and later evolved into the son of Poseidon, and afterward from God The Cyclops system into a single family, this race is characterized by rough, like eating people, in Homer's > Risk: High
combat: B
Dragon Dragon
for the Western image of the dragon you are familiar with the game long dominated many of Western, the Western dragon is represented by four-foot wings, covered with dark and , will be fire-breathing, reptiles and birds, the equivalent of a mongrel is twice floor and ventilation majesty. Legends of the Dragon are usually those who attach to treasure.
East Rondo is magnificent, divine and a symbol of good luck , and most of Western dragons are evil, epic in the West, such as Greek mythology and Germanic mythology, Norse mythology, the story has a hero Dragon. This year, one called BeoWulf The Beowulf also died after creature bitten Agrimonia.
the Aga Memnon legend engraved on the shield is a three-headed dragon, the dragon then the Romans as a badge of the infantry brigade, guiding the Vikings to As the bow, the Bible, there are numerous records about dragons, usually as a symbol of KB.
from: Europe
Category: World of Warcraft
risk: high
combat: A
Dullahan ( Abdullah Han, Headless Horseman)
strange headless dead, alive are noble knight, death knight costume still, burly physique, wearing armor, knife in hand, one hand holding the head with a helmet ( death with a dagger medieval accustomed of head Zhanxia, ​​dagger known as the br> combat: Depending on the strength and lifetime pertinacity with death may be
Echinda / Echidna (E Kade s)
the globe goddess Gaia (a giant family of mother), daughter of the smart woman upper body, lower body is disgustful snake, and her husband Typhon gave birth to a lot of grim beasts, such as the above-mentioned vicious dog of hell Cerberus, Hydra Hydra, Harpy banshee Pierre Hardy ear, lion sheep preppy Kemira, Prometheus's vulture pecking, half lion and half eagle-headed dog Ott strange Ge Leifen Hughes and Hughes, with the two-headed dog otter gave birth to the Sphinx, and finally she was Argus Argus killed.
From: Greece
Category: Demon
risk: Disaster
combat: B-
Fafnir (Fafunier)
Nordic Saga of a dragon living in the ground to protect the treasure of light, after the hero killed by Fred West. West Fred is the Norse mythology of the knight, his exploits comprised killing the dragon, to get the sinister treasure; the god of campaign Odin one of the twelve maids Hilde Tests showed he needed Bulin (Bulin Shield after being enchanted slumber wake); later married a princess,shanghai massage, because Bulin Heald envy, were killed. According to legend, Fred West killed the dragon in the dragon drops of blood to the lips will get the same birds, the ability to speak, eat and use Dragon Heart Lung bloodbath back a bulletproof the invincible of the body. in the
Fenrir (Fen Lier)
wolf in Nordic mythology. the god of destruction and disaster, and the female giant Angel Alberta Rocky a terrible symbiosis of three children of the goddess of death and the underworld queen mm HE Seoul, earth python 约尔曼冈德 (Midgard Serpent), and Ju Lang Fen Lier. As fierce, was Thor with Thor smithery the nine days and nine nights a chain leash, but Fen Lier is simple to brake the bands of the necklace. gods no choice but to resort to good fabrication weapons of the dwarves, mountain dwarves with the root, cat's footsteps, fish inhalation, a woman's beard, bears, and the power of the saliva of the six infrequent birds forged into a thing called Lille finally destroy free of the basis of this hidden chain, engulfing sun, engulfing everything in the world to kill the king of the gods Odin, Odin in the killing, it is also the son of Odin, the Lord of forests and livelihood of peace Total assassination.
from: Nordic
Category: Giant (mutation only)
risk: destruction of days off to
fighting: S +
Devil / Demon (demon)
the devil is the world's most vicious evil label. in Christianity and Islam, the devil is derived from some of the betrayal of God's angels were cast out of heaven, the angels called demons. In John. Milton's work , the Prince .
Faerie (little witch)
European folklore is very important in a class of spirits, usually alive in the forest. modern renowned literature is often described as her slightly larger than the insects, the body color perspicuous, long a butterfly wings and antennae, in truth, this is is their life blood, is their power, lost the magic, the tiny wizard will gradually shrivel until it died. mini hag is alive in a world full of prodigies, bring an end to ...the magical world of peril, where the stately paradise and can be coexistence of fear nightmare.
Another feature of the little witch is advocating heroic war, even under utmost disadvantage, they can leisurely final victory. they have a proclivity to extremes, things in the world in their eyes not good is evil, there are no gray zones, so they think, whether for good or evil fighting fighting for their freedom as long as they should do everything.
Ghost / Phantom (specter)
spirits of the dead, ghosts, and as a Ghast, Gust, form the ghost in the West usually can not touch, erratic ghost.
Ghoul (Ghoul)
Muslims, an evil soul legend or evil, they are Excavating graves and eat the dead.
Warcraft infantry killed a family of ~ ~
Gremlin (Grameen Hamlin, Gelan Lin)
familiar with a variety of tools and machinery, naughty elves, and goblins and the Goblin is a distant relative. they Goblin, early is beneficial to the human morale. they can make faster and more sophisticated tools, which can also inspire craftsmen craftsmen contrived the technology. human Grameen Hamlin whether early revelation of technological development contribution to history may be changed. Unfortunately, maximum engineers do not know the exertion it takes to Grameen Hamlin, exclusive credit for a diversity of inventions, not even a trace of reputation left to them. so changed the Grameen Hamlin human perception. Now, they not only do not aid, too accustom their perception of tools and mechanism to make things tough for people, let people create a variety of tools and machinery are competent to run, Each family has a drip hh Grameen Hamlin, with the seaming machine like the home shook in, to live from generation to generation. family life of a small mistake for a chilly bath for a hot, hasty car explosion tire at go entire their cheats. World War II when the aeroplane is said that Grameen would destroy the engine Kremlin.
Grey men (gray age)
Gaelic in Scotland is called When the moon mushrooms from the depths approach the sea seem to climb according the row of pillars, like thunder as loudly. the gray old man appeared and a harbinger of death, the contents of his speech said that the prophecy is about death; saw the gray the elderly, or heard him say who will dead presently.
Griffin (Griffin, Griffin)
Greek mythology, the Gryphon, the body of a winged monster, but also as ; Griffon horns. According to Dante described some of Griffin's Yingtou golden, lion body chapter is white. Some people think that Griffin on benefit of the devil, when others think it is a sign of Christ, because in have this explanation: )
Harpy in Greek mythology, female demon, long a woman's head and body,sunstroke, long hair, a bird's wings and copper Niaozhao. legends Happy is Typhon (Typhon) and E Kade that (Echinda) of the 4 daughters mmAello (Storm), Celaeno (black tempest), Okypete (tossing), Podarge (Fleet of Foot) mm in common, they were originally Wind Wizard, Hades Hades of the messenger who is responsible for the marrow of the deceased sent to the Underworld. In the later they became the legendary nature Banshee Harpy penurious, all look starving and weary, they had adjoined all the unbearable asset will get sordid, foul smell. It is said that these Banshee mm bronze only alarm the voice of a thing.
From: Greece
Category: Monsters
risk: high
combat: E +
Hippalectryon / Hippalektryon (chicken Ma)
the front of the body as a horse, back to the monster cock. chicken horse appeared in the early Greek painted vases map, and often emerge as a hero by objects. But the fable about its origin and so not too much more documented.
Hippogriff (Ma eagle)
fabled creature half horse and half eagle. rumored he has a horse's body and hind legs, but it has eagle front paws and head.
Hobgoblin ( naughty boy)
Hobgoblin and the Goblin on the opposed, it refers to those friendly little elf. These little elves are mostly living alone, kind and friendly, and sometimes get out of some mischief. William Shakespeare in the mischievous elf forced grams (see Puck) is a typical Hobgoblin. Here is a small immortal Shakespeare's talk with the forced grams, from which we can see the naughty character:
you admit, you are probably good children is called Robin's cunning, and mischievous in the Wizard. you are used to frighten the village girl adore, summarized in the people's milk to the lotion on, so that all the breathless housewife cream is also not to stir; sometimes you wear black valley for others, and sometimes it does not spoil the wine fermentation; night hike, you put them into a maze, laughing himself hiding in the side; told you l Daisen r or l g r a good force, and you give him fortunate him workmanship: that is, you do?
compelled grams immortal, you're right it is; I was that elated night were. I Aobu Lang in front of all the jokes to interest him come up with mirth, and saw a fat Jingzhuang horses, I learned to female horse whinny fans it carried away; occasionally I turn into a baking cooked savage apple, hiding the old matron brandy bowl, beverage, etc., when she raised the bowl, I took the mine to her lips, put a bowl of ale are poured flat on her wrinkled peel on the throat; Sometimes I turned into a three-legged stool, full Belly ways of the world's aunt was after hours sit down and tell her story all seriousness, I did give her ass to work down the base, she turned into a big gold ingot, a call l Dude! r a cough smother a live, so the people nigh you convulsed with laughter, they grew build up comic, proboscis tears laughing, chatting away vowed never more interesting than this thing. La Hydra: a head of Hydra with nine, which is the most powerful in Greek mythology the dad of one hundred monster monster put the wind (typhon) and the feminine thfirst and foremost snake curious E Kade (Echinda) born down, there is a mentioning that Pala Si phallas and Styx (rill stynx) with the students, who live in the Arab Gulf Lo Gou SEA & SKI location in the marsh, known as Ronaldo hydra, it swallowed land, ravaged human and beast, malign, and it spits out poison gas also made a so-called annoy of the local swamp, but the universe Heracles born analytic (hercules) fair because the days of the detriment of sanity Houxi La's bordered and killed his wife and babies, In array to atone, he approved the oracle, to serve the King, particularly his cousin Mai Xini Leoch priests, particularly the manager who is not fatuous, he was to amuse Sheila, judged to do everything likely to kill Hercules, and he handed over to his twelve tasks impossible and the 1st is to kill the lion Nimei An invulnerability,toronto escorts, it was Hercules skin as armor to the second task, this second mission is to kill nine snake Hydra, the Hydra where in addition to its mighty poison, the poison it is also the earth Qi Du, but the body of the lion skin of Hercules bulletproof, so it's fangs, there is no direction in, but it nine heads, each head ambition be mow off regenerated, and the navel of the head which is immortal, so Heracles a big headache, but fortunately, his nephew 伊俄拉俄斯 afterward gave him a torch, and let He cut off one head every with a torch burns to jaws, it never grows no head. and the last head cut off behind the Hercules put it urgent the head with a big rock, it can no longer mischief, and eventually all the indicators were also smudged with the body of the hydra's sera, as Heraclitus ...

slender and keen.

Because there are a lot of friends from the often inquired question about the dog, especially in the opening of puppy raising more difficult to await, so the point in this prose some of a dog on their own experience in raising dogs also common sense.
Most people buy a puppy at the time the decision will generally scamper to the flower mart, it is recommended not to go to that area to buy, basically sick dog. It is best to caress marts or dog purchasers. Select the time The most elementary is to discern whether the dog's nostril watery. there ass is not clean. the eyes have a God, and without skin, bone health.
back after buying the puppy to a particular lair, it is best in his room. room to the south, so otherwise prone to skin problems. can not sleep on the floor, neither hair. Before the vaccine does not finish, avoid contact with any dog. the absolute prohibition of dog bathing
just left the incipient home, will be wailing, and also more cowardly, to be cautiously taken care of. often to touch it. stroked the time to start from scratch entire the path to the back. When I 1st came at night and do not shriek it that has been reprehended, comforted it, it and you nap in the same apartment. You can also put a timer on its side. had two or 3 days always right.
If the dog does not eat together or runny nose Dry , that is sick to the hospital to check.
to the supermarket to buy a sack of milk powder or nutritional abrasive, plus a bag of glucose and glucose .. the breast to fared the dog with a nice 2:1. . the afford of clean water every day .. must not be fed to the dog milk or greasy entities. If the dog has to eat dog food to feed 4 times a day dog ​​food, (25 best) .8 months Add half of eggs yolk after the best. There can too be chopped cartilage feeding. Remember not to feed poultry bones. dog food recommendations: the maximum vigor, adore Musi, Royal and more. (Po Lu is not recommended.) daily reconnaissance of small dog poo. If you have diarrhea and the phenomenon of fasting, they should stop feeding. equitable foam fed glucose 10 ml using a needle to reserve the stamina, the hospital now after the inspection.
dogs often people start feeding ham to the dog intestine dogs eat ham intestine can not eat, will ache the dog's stomach. not cooked eggs. bones also prohibits, in addition to chocolate is the number one killer of dogs, remember not feeding.
puppy if there is gum, use lukewarm water to gently wipe the swab sticking point. can go to the pharmacy to buy eye dew were recorded enzyme, at the peak of 5 angle, drop 2 or 3 times a day. gum that dog a little more angry, to drink abundance of water, see your diet. < br> If they are frequently rear-end, it manner to clean up the anus. The first dog tail up to reveal, to highlight the
anal dog anal finger on the second side of the four-point eight o'clock at squeezing some The Great Stink brown dog ooze the East, some dogs only a little matter and stink yo! dog pork often eat flesh need to squeeze more yo!!
fact, anal gland dog Regular extrusion, cleaning is very essential, not just to get rid of body odor dog body. If the dog squeeze anal gland is not all the case, can also cause inflammation of anal glands.
practices must disburse attention: from the inside In appending, from light to cumbersome
Remember, squeeze, it is best to take cover in the anal tissue, or cotton, and avoid splashing water of the body odor.
If the gland has been blocked fknow next to nothing ofme time, discharge will be squeezed out like toothpaste, not smoke, usually only skillful to flow out gently squeeze them. If the dog's anal glands not crowded, you need different way, only the index finger and thumb into the glands After a little under the site through, gently squeeze out upward.
normal secretions were yellow brown, the concentration of matter from the water to the paste has, and accompanied by the stink. If the discharge with pus in the blood, that has been infected, see a doctor as presently as likely.
your infant will suddenly rotate back a dog bite ass lick it? will be close to the ground with the butt obliterate to wipe it? you know it a month cleaning the anal gland secretions of it? see senior veterinary counsel to you:
anal pancreatitis is a common disease of dogs, many owners have heard about, but its etiology and treatment may not know, now we introduction.
anal gland is situated in the anal skin and mucosa on both sides of the bottom side of a pair of exocrine gland inside the body, are all carnivores. It's cardinal function is to secrete a number of irritating odor as their VI. anal gland situated in the anal skin and mucosa of the 4,guangzhou escort,8 point position, prologue mundane. careful owner may be scrutinized in dogs and cats have two anal abbreviation of small Yaner big tip, a prompt of gray-brown secretions emission .
anal pancreatitis can be divided into two categories, most of them blocked anal gland, obstruction of the gland, anal gland secretions of siltation caused by swelling and discomfort. the other for the gland inflammation, suppuration and pain, itching. these two diseases often associated with seizures. dogs anguish from such disease manifested initially cause itching, the symptoms can be divided into three categories:
dogs in and after the first level and quiet, the anal walking amenable or back and along hauling the ground friction.
second bite dogs licking back will appear around the anus, or bite outside the upper hind legs and found of tail fur.
third type of omens while the dogs were in a quiet like a sliding embark, the normal sitting situation in the normal anal dog does not touch the ground, the heart often erect hind limbs above one side, when the other side of the hind Celi, anal affixed to the curious position. if folk take the slip. in the early symptoms for some time, if only remedied, dogs, walking hind obstacles will arise, hike a few steps suddenly anus paste, * open 2 hind thighs, looked behind the anus. the further evolution of anal glands can guide to ulceration, or the side of the anus either sides of the hole appears, there is pus and blood stream.
serious condition, the need in a timely style to the animal hospital for specialized manipulation. As the employer should do is to prevent, daily care and early revelation to discourage further deterioration. hindrance is uncomplicated, it is relatively settled technological feeding and diet to prevent diarrhea and constipation in dogs. Here is the dog owners should be reminded of the criterion normal stool, normal stool should be soft strip shape, the surface has a definite flexibility and sticky. those who are easy to pick up the stick and the ground equipment is not normal feces, can cause the disease. Therefore, adding the right value of dietary fiber, reducing the content of protein and bone. day attention is to the dog each time bath, the main of hand to pinch the dog from the bottom up 4 points on both sides of the anus, 8 point, if you feel bulging to compel the discharge of them out, so neat up at least once a month to prevent a serious aggression of the disease .
to buy a dog chews dog, when they will in the long teeth itch, dog chews not only teeth but also nutrition.
vaccine: the ; canine parvovirus, melodrama a role, so it is temporarily unable to injection of 6 correlated seedlings in order to dodge immune failure, this time in the 42 days of injection of the Netherlands Intervet doggy two attach, this vaccine is in such a condition, the injection can be one or two weeks of quick activity a role in the rabies. immunity after two weeks. At this point complete the immunization process. After a six-year mutual + appended rabies. (the above example are Intervet)
space some friends bivalent vaccine may not be available, if it were not for pestilence space can be the orthodox immunization procedures, the starting of the first 7 to eight weeks of age, immunization, injection hexamer, two weeks or three weeks (normal interval of two weeks of domestic vaccine, imported vaccine intervals for three weeks) after the second dose six joint injection, another two to three weeks after the injection of six joint + rabies. If the infected space should be four to five weeks of age puppies hyperimmune serum injection, the interval on the 10th and then injected once, and then injected along to the traditional immunization program.
vaccine 1 week after the fight, can give the dog a bath. special enough to use bath shower gel,shanghai escort, bath with pills, can prevent fleas and some skin diseases, bathing should prefer a clear day at midday, the first ready equipment, modified the water temperature: .2 40 degrees a dry towel. hairdryer. comb. bathe shower gel when careful not to let the ears flow to the eyes nose. thoroughly wipe with a towel after wash water, then beat dry. combed hair. At the same time Cleaning ears with cotton swabs.
not time to pull the pee with the dogs. at home, a newspaper shop. It's time to pull out ..
should pluck within 5 months the puppy to feed 4 times a day , the volume is not too numerous months after .5 3 times a day feeding. adult fed twice a day on it.
puppies 20 days old shall be anthelmintics. Most puppies have intestinal parasites, is a bitch by the placenta or breast milk infection. normal intestinal parasites: roundworm, hookworm, tapeworm and so on. sick puppies loss of appetite, heaviness loss, growth retardation; constipation or diarrhea, abdominal pain , vomiting, abdominal circuit additional. serious infection can lead to serious complications and death. Adult parasitic infections usually were invisible, so even now no parasites were found in the stool should also be de-worming schedule.
20 puppies day for the first time insecticide once a month until six months antique, began six months of quarterly, half-yearly adult.
special dogs and cats is recommended insecticide insecticide drugs safer.
drive nematodes Drugs:
1, Taiwan Youda company produced the sale, the amount of 10mg/kg, orally.
3, insect net (thiophene m yl) 10 ~ 12mg/kg, orally.
4, avermectin, 0.2mg/kg, sc (puppies should be used with admonition and strictly control the use of volume).
steer tapeworm medicine:
1, praziquantel, 5 ~ 10mg/kg, orally.
2, eliminate sash Ling (niclosamide ), 70mg/kg, oral, fasting for 12 hours before catching .2 ~ 3 weeks after a reiterate treatment.
in addition to broad-spectrum insecticide But the side effects are also relatively large, limited to the amount used in strict accordance with Adult. (Collie disabled)
on the coccidia, heartworm and other parasites need to drive off to the doctor until the afterward.
vitro parasite insects mainly fleas, lice, etc., get rid of parasites can be imported from France drugs have made
see how the teeth from the age of
dog dog's age, mainly in the growth of canine teeth, teeth and dental wear the peak, shape, color and other comprehensive decision, in order to assist the master, will now test the dog's teeth narrated consist in ...:
adult dog's teeth were 42 puppies
absolute of 28 teeth around 20 days mmmm teeth
4-6 weeks long front teeth together milk mmm. the last two months of age, All deciduous teeth long homogeneous, white, thin and keen.
2-4 replace the first deciduous incisors month mmm
5-6 months for the second and third mmm chest milk incisors and canines
8 months mm after all permanent teeth
1-year-old put on permanent teeth long mmmm Qi, white light, the upper incisors are sharp convex
1.5 annuals lower second incisors mmmm big spikes, worn to flush a small peak, this phenomenon is known as mmmm peak erase
2.5 years lower second incisors mmmm peak erase
3.5-year-old first maxillary incisors mmmm tip delete
4.5-year-old second maxillary incisors peak erase
5-year-old little mmmm peak mandibular third incisor wear, mandibular incisors wear surface for the first two fashions
6-year-old from the mandibular third-tipped indelible mmmm, dull canines mmmm
7-year-old to the first mandibular incisor tooth root dress, the wear surface for the perpendicular oval < br> 8-year-old mmmm wear for the front of the first mandibular incisors disposed
10-year-old mmmm mandibular second and appear ahead the first maxillary incisors wear vertical oval
10-16 year-old off canine incisors missing
mmmm Ten pet food the number one killer drug

chocolate contains caffeine and theobromine, a constituent called, these were the dogs into
heart and central nervous system caused great harm to the dog
children eat too many of these substances is very easy to poisoning. careful, careful.
sulfur among the onion and garlic, ambition break the dog's red blood cells, causing anemia
into. < br> The third
chicken small sharp spikes easily burst into shape. stabbed the dog's mouth and
intestine. Do not meditation that dogs like to eat whichever bones ah!
bone and the pig will cause harm to the dogs, small bone or pig is also very easy to wear
intestinal dog, if the bones stick together, it may hinder the intestinal system can
these foods have begun to mold, dogs, afterward eating can cause muscle spasms and
atrophy, followed by necrosis. all dog owners not to take the initiative to feed the dogs to eat. to
and to prevent the dog eat them from the waste bag.
raw or undercooked food contains a lot of bacteria and Salmonella,
dog eating can cause food poisoning. dogs and people, too, will eat meat
thoroughly cooked before consumption.
greasy food with high fat content, fat and cause the dog would endanger the dog < br> kid alive pancreatic inflammation. and the dog accustomed to the heavy smell of food,
will lead to the dog's sense of taste has convert more important, the formation of bad habits Diao dogs mouth.
Long-term consumption of sweet food, will lead to dogs prone to diabetes and fat
fat. and spicy food, because too exciting relationship will not eat dog savor
ninth < br> In particular, shrimps, crabs and other edible, it namely simple to make dog diarrhea and protozoa.
somebody will salt poisoning in dogs to stimulate spewing, merely in fact less than 1 / 2
teaspoon of salt is enough for the dog can be as fatal.
millions of non-edible plant (see slow free)
family if there are dogs and cats will bite to eat plants, it have to be thoughtful Some do not eat poisonous plants is not promising to cause quite serious problems that tin cause diarrhea, or up to the phenomenon, but some plants to eat, but can be fatal, and the following give some of the mutual poisonous plants to give your reference: < br> factories including insoluble oxalate bipinnata Dai Philodendron
Colorful roseate taro foliage

animals eaten, and because needle-like crystals protein lysozyme serious mouth and throat irritation. but also the phenomenon of havoc of blood containers cause bleeding.'ll see drooling, vomiting, larynx paralysis, or even more serious kidney failure.
stomach to stimulate plant
poinsettia pavilion parasitic Thorns, azaleas, tulips bulbs,
iris, amaryllis, castor bean, mommy of pearl fowl, England ivy, daphne, Christmas rose, holly plants, water the plants mainly wax tree can lead to gastrointestinal symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal ache and other symptoms, Thorns and there will be the phenomenon of cardiac arrhythmias.
Guanyin shirt alkali, English yew, Japanese Purple fir. In addition to fruit, the whole plant are toxic. would suppress the functioning of the heart due to myocardial stop going. cause animal death.
digitalis toxoid, oleander
Ling Lan
digoxin is a drug used to treat serious heart disease, is a substance extracted from the foxglove. But if you do not accidentally swallowed in the field of such plants, but can cause serious heart problems, a serious with syncope, dual shock, and even breathing and heartbeat may stop.

renal toxicity of plant type
lily flower lily, these plants in the cat, the phenomenon will cause tubular necrosis, within six hours if the time make sound treatment, the prediction is usually good. but a drag on more than 18 hours, but can easily lead to kidney failure and death.

soluble oxalates
rhubarb sauce beet
Health grass. sorrel grass. permanganate will dissolve in the blood, and calcium chelation. These will enter into calcium oxalate tubular prevention and death caused the phenomenon.
and plant toxic protein hormone drug class, castor beans, chicken mother beads, acacia. These toxins destroy the protein, and may cause red blood cell aggregation phenomenon. animal consumption, there will be stomatitis, glossitis and gastrointestinal problems provocation, severe detriment of equilibrium and cause muscle damage and kidney have hematuria and the phenomenon of lifted BUN.
solanine, Solanum nigrum, coral cherry, these plants are primarily caused along the noxious nerve poison, there will be on the gastrointestinal tract and neurological symptoms, some plants like Solanum nigrum, or even result in symptoms of organophosphate poisoning.
Baptist wood toxins, azaleas. will cause low blood pressure, and inhibition of respiratory and central nervous system.
adjoin provocation. asparagus, nettles
eating cat, dog bites and other
because of exposure to these plants cause irritation, while dermatitis, inflammation of the tongue phenomenon.
are documented in the literature of these plants will cause serious problems animals plants, do not make at home or even to touch the animals to eat, eat, but there will be a big problem, of way, teem in nature strange plants, animals who eat them do not know what will occur. I memorize If the home animals eat the plants listed above, be sure to Sign hospital, in order to avoid accidental.
many stairs dog owners, dog of the family class technology up and down stairs was very proud of dogs Once you learn up and down stairs, the master will be very elated to be holding it from without and down stairs every time, and when the proud owner of the dog's eyes to see, the hereafter surely does not like holding down the stairs to the main, but will want to immediately flew down the stairs with the owner.
dog before the age of 2, the speed of stair climbing is not merely class, I am fearful will be recollected often arrogant owner of carrying a bunch of things have not kept up, up and down stairs and met the owner neighbors chatted, they also often run back and forth several times more. dog stairs of capability, the age of four seems to be going; to six years later, the speed will slow a lot;-year-old, the dog is definitely up and down stairs will obediently, slowly walked the first order first order.
general domestic flat dormitory stairs extra than the depth of between 25 to 28 cm, height of extra than 20 cm and depth of this level and graphic design, scarcely suitable for people use, and dogs, the aircraft should be by 60 cm depth, the level of gap should be within 12 to 15 cm, so it is extra appropriate layer chart stairs up and down dog.
Although the dog up and down stairs on their own, the owner is a very labor-saving for something, but every day, long-term dog stairs, first-year-old will appear lumbar spine or limbs, joints hurt, to between six to eight, then prone to functional obstacles.
plane superficial stairs dog dogs
lumbar vulnerable people, dogs should be carefully watching the action on the stairs, in general, because the depth is too shallow stepladder plane, the foot can not make the dog's limbs have landed in the same plane order, so the dog on the stairs, about every step must be to play at the end of the bow arch Beiyao make two hind foot pads extended forward needle landing place from the forelimb footpad inside of the front, but the hips are still two levels below the hind foot pad, often, dogs will be at this time struggling with the two hind foot pad of the body shape up, go down to the top of the second forelimb footpad order climb the stairs to such a continuous between floors of the eight completed the order.
Although the movement of the line screen wonderful dog, do not lose to top-level athletes, but love the dog owner should take into account the dog up and down the stairs on the injury, long-term amass will make the dog's backbone and limbs cause excellent burden on joints, primarily in some apartments on the first layer to the third floor and down the stairs in a straight line, without turning, a dog on the stairs, you have 32 continuous order,guangzhou massage, in the middle did not have to recess , the youth dog owner Encore encouragement, struggling to expiration will be straight to the top, knowing that more serious damage to the dog.
clinical twenty years, the common dog owner suffering from lumbar spine bone spurs severe arthritis patients or when the hind legs, did he accomplish the number of times over the elapse use the stairs up and down to mushroom the dog's calorie consumption, no one thought many the dog up and down stairs several times, but it will be when the older dog, limbs, joints and lumbar cause of joint dysfunction of the attack.
6 dogs health warning:
the alarm: a absence of energy, physical weakness, slow movement, impact or even move the tail slightly sagging; melancholy looking, not vitality.
Alert II: is the nose dry and runny nose. This is the symptom of fever. However, the dogs will sleep dry nose, which is normal, do not anxiety.
attentive three: a bowel movement does not regular,shanghai escort, diarrhea, constipation, stool is sometimes svelte favor water, occasionally for hard as stone. a healthy puppy, almost double the everyday bowel activity, stool color deserving to another food, usually black or brown, and should temperate hardness.
alarm four: a loss of desire or appetite decreased quickly. If the dog can not eat clay or foreign material absorption, stomach function abnormal, there would not eat or vomiting.
agitate five : the eyes perceptive to light, there is gum, or even conjunctival congestion.
alert six: is body temperature. healthy body temperature is about puppies 38.5 ℃, puppies body temperature slightly higher. In general, dogs in the morning low temperature , at noon and evening high body temperature, about inconsistency 0.5 ℃. to the thermometer we caught in the dog's thigh for 5 minutes, body temperature is abnormally higher than 39 ℃.
Also if coughing, difficulty in urination, ear itching, foreign body you eat, the bottom friction and other anomalies on the ground, but also a reflection of disease, must not be ignored, delayed.
of scolding the dog can not usually do bad courses, use the angry intonation to narrate it to blame wrong. hit it will only obtain your dog and more to cerebral illness do not trust you.

dog dog prescript medication eruption blast relatively high cost of treatment, and remedy rates are low, many parents not to give up treatment. In fact, this medicine can be used with the retinue recipe: Coptis 6G, skullcap 10G, gardenia 10G, Alisma 15G, licorice 10G, silkworm 6G, Daqingye 10G, gentian 10G, habitat 20G, SM 20G, bile Southern Star 10G, Uncaria 6G,possibly they are the crew defeated the vgrouping team and the enthusiasm of the fans., Radix 10G, Viola 15G, Pinellia 6G, wood-10G, forsythia 15G, 10G
honeysuckle water 2000-2500ML. boil about 45 minutes, boiled about 250-300ML , each 15-25ML ,2-3 times / day
herbs can go to great pharmacies with prices at the peak of 7 yuan more, do not lightly give up your dog
first wrote this today, and after then gradually add the treatise ... the first child of my cute baby pictures, now is a huge matron. love it more than anything. though not too plain, but smart and pretty. a tiny fox.
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Nature 's Inspiration
earthquake,beijing massage, Yushu ,beijing massage, Japan earthquake hh .. why so do not remedy people nature it ?
apt penetrate how we treat nature .
message aboard one: Indiscriminate felling Feel maddening and melancholy .
file II: the Field : Month, Beijing Chemical Experiment Plant Chaofu blending chemicals occurred in the
care for of human nature also ,outlook achieve greatly reduced,beijing escort, and nature ambition too revenge human ,shanghai massage, so everyone ought idea the conservation of the world , love nature .

along apt Ms. Gao mentioned the episode final August

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Xinhua yesterday that the Japanese government-funded post-disaster building up a uncomplicated embark room, I heard many users reserve alongside of laments elegance that envy. Do not consider I Hara, and many friends, I owe the Chinese human to Japan in the elapse so many blood, right-wingers actually alleged not guilty also exceedingly angry. a long time, friction than cooperation between China and Japan, an age mentioning Summers, the former Chairman of the U.S. economic, exit class to the ranks and transform second-rate country. have to depend on nuclear power in Japan today. The nuclear leakage triggered by the earthquake exposed the many failings,shanghai massage, making the difficulties facing the evolution of nuclear power. Japan whether they continue to depend on nuclear power, to be proficient to withstand the construction of more than ten nuclear power stations in the earthquake, as a outcome, Japan price avails of nuclear power stations ambition be gone, this is one; second, slow progress in reconstruction, human suspected of Japan in the universal afford necklace rank will be replaced by other countries, or portions caused by multinational contractors will shift product bases from Japan < br> a child, seeing movies special agencies wear sunglasses to see the envy, grow into the job, although that cool, but the liability and hazards. Not long ago, a group of U.S. Secret Service protection to see Obama's picture, he ambitioned to lyricist understand that the United States Secret Service (usually known as bodyguards) the situation, to interested friends to make a brief presentation.
belonging to the U.S. Secret Service, U.S. Secret Service, the Secret Service (referred to USSS) is the U.S. federal government's law enforcement agencies, under the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.
the Secret Service, and investigation of primary jurisdiction is to prevent counterfeiting of U.S. dollars and bonds to protect the president and vice president, former presidents and their spouses (other than the mate remarries), protection of presidential candidates and vice presidential candidates current and former President of the kid under 16 years of age and grandchildren, visiting foreign brains of state and heads of state and their spouses,beijing escort, the President appointed the Department of Homeland Security appointed individuals and national security objectives of special note. is also responsible for tracking a great many monetary deceit investigations narrated to suspected and to provide favour to investigate a number of regional crime and defend States Embassy, ​​the U.S. Naval Observatory, and the White House in Washington, DC. there are some missions, under wraps.
Sudirman Cup badminton competition this year will be the end of May Qingdao, China held the tournament draw was announced Jan. 15. However, the results of a more sensational than the ballot is BWF , woman players on the field must wear skirts, and offenders will be a fine of $ 250. This is not joke. Earlier, BWF has yet leaked to the fashionable regulations, more than feminine sportsmen in China have complained in the micro-Bo. to participate fully in the sea British Open after the first game on the micro-blog wrote, skirt? I might reluctantly replied her, I know. her face told me ... ... we are helpless! . also full of grievances Du Jing said, br> For BWF forced feminine sportsmen partake in the emulation, . secret location ...... he heard what the news will not be thought. I see the line yesterday, but also exposed one, but 2 officials of the undressed man and a matron dead in a rented room. < br> Recently, a post online, said Deputy Attorney General of Mianyang City, the retirement Yanting Hemou and Deputy Secretary Pingmou naked women dead in Mianyang, a rented chamber castle, dam. yesterday, accustomed the episode in Mianyang City Royal Seven home district, Hemou Department of Mianyang City Procuratorate retired Deputy Attorney General, Pingmou Yanting County Industrial Park Administrative Committee, Department of Planning, the Deputy Secretary. Currently, the Police Department initially determined they died of gas poisoning, forensics are act beyond identification. (Chengdu Commercial Daily ashore April 17)
homeowners, according to Ms. Gao said the incident last August, she posted in the entrance area of ​​rental housing message. Then, Hemou contacted by telephone, she said that to lease, so the two sides approached a rental accession. br> after the Mianyang City Procuratorate Xuanjiao Chu responsible person briefed correspondents, Hemou, 63 years old, he served as agent procurator of Mianyang City, more than ten years, has retired. Yanting County Industrial Park Administrative Committee of the officials,
two at the end of last month, Premier Wen Jiabao met with Chinese and foreign journalists said ever since, I think the biggest peril is corruption. but also to the soil to eliminate corruption and institutional reform of the system. I know country life in the center, to solve the people's grievances and achieve the aspirations of the people, we must establish the conditions for people to criticize and administer the government. Premier Wen's words sharp and pertinent, demonstration of anti-corruption long access to go, is also our altitude priority.
either priority to be extensively mustered people to combine the fight opposition corruption in the past, there is a rupture of advertising I have seen the CCTV public corruption, that both also have some new ideas earthquakes taken power. just think this promotion can not be temporary, should stick to it, the Government has through the dissemination machine to this profoundly rooted corruption, corrupt factors was nowhere to hide, to achieve more effective anti-corruption.
how to involve and dilute corruption, said today a global problem. I was glad to see that yesterday, an anti-Russian news, the news that recently, one called the anti-corruption advocacy. calendar with the theme fish The fishing law enforcement events are exposed one by one people, not just traffic enforcement,shanghai escort, public security law enforcement in many places and constantly have police officers posing as clients, trapping prostitutes ...... means it is boring, despicable.
At premier I thought such asset only happen where the valid system is no sound, and afterward heard that Taiwan not long ago a alike case occurred, was the unanimous condemnation of public opinion, and amazing is such a object even in the United States has occurred. The daytime before yesterday I peruse an online news, along to exotic media reported on April 7, Hawaii Police confirmed that a friend of President Obama 4, was arrested on misgiving of porn .49-year-old Robert - Petit Comcast is satisfied Hu Obama in Hawaii climbing educate (Punahou School) .4 students studying at the time of 21:40 or so,shanghai massage, Teeter Cosme in urban Honolulu plainclothes police masked try with a prostitute at all times of the transaction arrested. Police said he
since September 1, 1969, led to Gaddafi's 41 annuals more. It is said namely Gaddafi inconsistencies, cunning changing, former U.S. President Ronald Reagan once depicted Gaddafi a Forty annuals of verdict a nation, but scary. in the want of telling supervision and control of the position, absolute power corrupts absolutely inevitable, which namely one objective statute. I recently TV reports from the eastern in that, U.S. administration demands that Gaddafi family's assets in the United States apt light up to three billion U.S. greenbacks, up to twenty billion in the UK, plus Italy, Switzerland and additional countries as much as sixty billion aggregate deposits, have been frozen immediately , and store of wealth in the country namely was further imagination. No mistrust Gaddafi kin, the household is a downright corrupt.
the representation of their sons, meantime Gaddafi from one side of the evidence for this family of corruption. Gaddafi has eight children of their own, of which 7 is the son, most of them have altering degrees of support for Western amounts, it is precisely these values ​​Gaddafi detested. Interestingly, when the Gaddafi regime by domestic opposition and the challenges the West, Gaddafi's babies has become his most powerful backing. From this outlook, corruption, our country's maximum corrupt and the card is very similar to the one hand, the public strongly opposed the West
Beijing Municipal Finance Bureau on April 2 to the public, all of Beijing's lawful car is 62026. Given that the figures do not contain non-party and government apparatuses, institutions and non-full allocation of state-owned car, I estimate the Beijing daring Actual bus ownership ought be 10 million vehicles. But yesterday a.m., said a message from the Nanfang Wang, National School of Administration Department of the main Renzhu Li family of public believes that Beijing's bus is anticipated to have 100 million vehicles, a total of 400 million nationwide vehicles. the annual consumption of 10 million per bus per year consumption of 400 billion nationwide. can use bus, absence as the NPC legislation, such as the lawful purchaser law, should be clearly defined. , nevertheless the Bamboo Temple, mentor of the Home Diocese and saying it is the voice of the people. But I sent in the incipient
CPPCC Chairman of Guizhou Province Huang Yao a number of Some people say that corrupt officials in Southwest Guizhou Province Huang Yao, invention, the sample of the antique that. It is said that the Qing Dynasty, Shen huge corrupt officials and have your own or in the number of method, skills, better skill than the corrupt ancient.
I casually cite a few.
such as the former party secretary of Anhui Province Xuanzhou Zhaozeng Jun Fan and a youth female cadres and this ;. a particular dinner Zhaozeng Jun shamelessly publicly announced, br> original to approve bribes and has a definite 42 million, 11 million to Yang. tube Zhicheng later conceded that Yang is actually a particular and his mistress;
former state-owned companies in Beijing Liu Lihua, leader of GSK, who is a model operator, also planted in the ; generous attempts French La Jieni naked golf course golf course in the guide in the ratings.
This is the first to introduce the concept of playing golf naked golf. The stadium is located in a resort on the west beach of France, not a grain of truth Bordeaux, France, It is said that near to ecology is the world's only golf course naked. The stadium was built in 1993, then continues to grow and now covers an area of ​​9 hectares has been extended to many.
golf courses in the La Jieni certification come to the fore, with this stadium, ; everybody can play in the La Jieni. while kick-off, see!. , but are not granted to muse in front of others to show their body. Third, the tribunal strictly banned in public places of anybody sex dolls are allowed into the stadium,I have been on the fragrance variety of sense of love, and not allowed to take photographs inside the court.
All those who play naked. This is the west coast of France known as La Jieni nude resort high
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Although technologically progressive globe in the hereafter

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chose after the time when I went behind repeatedly to penetrate the idle loggers began slitting a go ---- only Old People are continuing to demolish the environment .
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I also think of some outstanding :
1, only the subject can vanquish the nature of ecology ---- Darwin
2, mommy nature is good , but too the cruel peddler ---- Hugo
3, we only hope the Bow before the altar of fact , do not want to grovel before the legislature in always stuff Guo