Thursday, May 5, 2011

slender and keen.

Because there are a lot of friends from the often inquired question about the dog, especially in the opening of puppy raising more difficult to await, so the point in this prose some of a dog on their own experience in raising dogs also common sense.
Most people buy a puppy at the time the decision will generally scamper to the flower mart, it is recommended not to go to that area to buy, basically sick dog. It is best to caress marts or dog purchasers. Select the time The most elementary is to discern whether the dog's nostril watery. there ass is not clean. the eyes have a God, and without skin, bone health.
back after buying the puppy to a particular lair, it is best in his room. room to the south, so otherwise prone to skin problems. can not sleep on the floor, neither hair. Before the vaccine does not finish, avoid contact with any dog. the absolute prohibition of dog bathing
just left the incipient home, will be wailing, and also more cowardly, to be cautiously taken care of. often to touch it. stroked the time to start from scratch entire the path to the back. When I 1st came at night and do not shriek it that has been reprehended, comforted it, it and you nap in the same apartment. You can also put a timer on its side. had two or 3 days always right.
If the dog does not eat together or runny nose Dry , that is sick to the hospital to check.
to the supermarket to buy a sack of milk powder or nutritional abrasive, plus a bag of glucose and glucose .. the breast to fared the dog with a nice 2:1. . the afford of clean water every day .. must not be fed to the dog milk or greasy entities. If the dog has to eat dog food to feed 4 times a day dog ​​food, (25 best) .8 months Add half of eggs yolk after the best. There can too be chopped cartilage feeding. Remember not to feed poultry bones. dog food recommendations: the maximum vigor, adore Musi, Royal and more. (Po Lu is not recommended.) daily reconnaissance of small dog poo. If you have diarrhea and the phenomenon of fasting, they should stop feeding. equitable foam fed glucose 10 ml using a needle to reserve the stamina, the hospital now after the inspection.
dogs often people start feeding ham to the dog intestine dogs eat ham intestine can not eat, will ache the dog's stomach. not cooked eggs. bones also prohibits, in addition to chocolate is the number one killer of dogs, remember not feeding.
puppy if there is gum, use lukewarm water to gently wipe the swab sticking point. can go to the pharmacy to buy eye dew were recorded enzyme, at the peak of 5 angle, drop 2 or 3 times a day. gum that dog a little more angry, to drink abundance of water, see your diet. < br> If they are frequently rear-end, it manner to clean up the anus. The first dog tail up to reveal, to highlight the
anal dog anal finger on the second side of the four-point eight o'clock at squeezing some The Great Stink brown dog ooze the East, some dogs only a little matter and stink yo! dog pork often eat flesh need to squeeze more yo!!
fact, anal gland dog Regular extrusion, cleaning is very essential, not just to get rid of body odor dog body. If the dog squeeze anal gland is not all the case, can also cause inflammation of anal glands.
practices must disburse attention: from the inside In appending, from light to cumbersome
Remember, squeeze, it is best to take cover in the anal tissue, or cotton, and avoid splashing water of the body odor.
If the gland has been blocked fknow next to nothing ofme time, discharge will be squeezed out like toothpaste, not smoke, usually only skillful to flow out gently squeeze them. If the dog's anal glands not crowded, you need different way, only the index finger and thumb into the glands After a little under the site through, gently squeeze out upward.
normal secretions were yellow brown, the concentration of matter from the water to the paste has, and accompanied by the stink. If the discharge with pus in the blood, that has been infected, see a doctor as presently as likely.
your infant will suddenly rotate back a dog bite ass lick it? will be close to the ground with the butt obliterate to wipe it? you know it a month cleaning the anal gland secretions of it? see senior veterinary counsel to you:
anal pancreatitis is a common disease of dogs, many owners have heard about, but its etiology and treatment may not know, now we introduction.
anal gland is situated in the anal skin and mucosa on both sides of the bottom side of a pair of exocrine gland inside the body, are all carnivores. It's cardinal function is to secrete a number of irritating odor as their VI. anal gland situated in the anal skin and mucosa of the 4,guangzhou escort,8 point position, prologue mundane. careful owner may be scrutinized in dogs and cats have two anal abbreviation of small Yaner big tip, a prompt of gray-brown secretions emission .
anal pancreatitis can be divided into two categories, most of them blocked anal gland, obstruction of the gland, anal gland secretions of siltation caused by swelling and discomfort. the other for the gland inflammation, suppuration and pain, itching. these two diseases often associated with seizures. dogs anguish from such disease manifested initially cause itching, the symptoms can be divided into three categories:
dogs in and after the first level and quiet, the anal walking amenable or back and along hauling the ground friction.
second bite dogs licking back will appear around the anus, or bite outside the upper hind legs and found of tail fur.
third type of omens while the dogs were in a quiet like a sliding embark, the normal sitting situation in the normal anal dog does not touch the ground, the heart often erect hind limbs above one side, when the other side of the hind Celi, anal affixed to the curious position. if folk take the slip. in the early symptoms for some time, if only remedied, dogs, walking hind obstacles will arise, hike a few steps suddenly anus paste, * open 2 hind thighs, looked behind the anus. the further evolution of anal glands can guide to ulceration, or the side of the anus either sides of the hole appears, there is pus and blood stream.
serious condition, the need in a timely style to the animal hospital for specialized manipulation. As the employer should do is to prevent, daily care and early revelation to discourage further deterioration. hindrance is uncomplicated, it is relatively settled technological feeding and diet to prevent diarrhea and constipation in dogs. Here is the dog owners should be reminded of the criterion normal stool, normal stool should be soft strip shape, the surface has a definite flexibility and sticky. those who are easy to pick up the stick and the ground equipment is not normal feces, can cause the disease. Therefore, adding the right value of dietary fiber, reducing the content of protein and bone. day attention is to the dog each time bath, the main of hand to pinch the dog from the bottom up 4 points on both sides of the anus, 8 point, if you feel bulging to compel the discharge of them out, so neat up at least once a month to prevent a serious aggression of the disease .
to buy a dog chews dog, when they will in the long teeth itch, dog chews not only teeth but also nutrition.
vaccine: the ; canine parvovirus, melodrama a role, so it is temporarily unable to injection of 6 correlated seedlings in order to dodge immune failure, this time in the 42 days of injection of the Netherlands Intervet doggy two attach, this vaccine is in such a condition, the injection can be one or two weeks of quick activity a role in the rabies. immunity after two weeks. At this point complete the immunization process. After a six-year mutual + appended rabies. (the above example are Intervet)
space some friends bivalent vaccine may not be available, if it were not for pestilence space can be the orthodox immunization procedures, the starting of the first 7 to eight weeks of age, immunization, injection hexamer, two weeks or three weeks (normal interval of two weeks of domestic vaccine, imported vaccine intervals for three weeks) after the second dose six joint injection, another two to three weeks after the injection of six joint + rabies. If the infected space should be four to five weeks of age puppies hyperimmune serum injection, the interval on the 10th and then injected once, and then injected along to the traditional immunization program.
vaccine 1 week after the fight, can give the dog a bath. special enough to use bath shower gel,shanghai escort, bath with pills, can prevent fleas and some skin diseases, bathing should prefer a clear day at midday, the first ready equipment, modified the water temperature: .2 40 degrees a dry towel. hairdryer. comb. bathe shower gel when careful not to let the ears flow to the eyes nose. thoroughly wipe with a towel after wash water, then beat dry. combed hair. At the same time Cleaning ears with cotton swabs.
not time to pull the pee with the dogs. at home, a newspaper shop. It's time to pull out ..
should pluck within 5 months the puppy to feed 4 times a day , the volume is not too numerous months after .5 3 times a day feeding. adult fed twice a day on it.
puppies 20 days old shall be anthelmintics. Most puppies have intestinal parasites, is a bitch by the placenta or breast milk infection. normal intestinal parasites: roundworm, hookworm, tapeworm and so on. sick puppies loss of appetite, heaviness loss, growth retardation; constipation or diarrhea, abdominal pain , vomiting, abdominal circuit additional. serious infection can lead to serious complications and death. Adult parasitic infections usually were invisible, so even now no parasites were found in the stool should also be de-worming schedule.
20 puppies day for the first time insecticide once a month until six months antique, began six months of quarterly, half-yearly adult.
special dogs and cats is recommended insecticide insecticide drugs safer.
drive nematodes Drugs:
1, Taiwan Youda company produced the sale, the amount of 10mg/kg, orally.
3, insect net (thiophene m yl) 10 ~ 12mg/kg, orally.
4, avermectin, 0.2mg/kg, sc (puppies should be used with admonition and strictly control the use of volume).
steer tapeworm medicine:
1, praziquantel, 5 ~ 10mg/kg, orally.
2, eliminate sash Ling (niclosamide ), 70mg/kg, oral, fasting for 12 hours before catching .2 ~ 3 weeks after a reiterate treatment.
in addition to broad-spectrum insecticide But the side effects are also relatively large, limited to the amount used in strict accordance with Adult. (Collie disabled)
on the coccidia, heartworm and other parasites need to drive off to the doctor until the afterward.
vitro parasite insects mainly fleas, lice, etc., get rid of parasites can be imported from France drugs have made
see how the teeth from the age of
dog dog's age, mainly in the growth of canine teeth, teeth and dental wear the peak, shape, color and other comprehensive decision, in order to assist the master, will now test the dog's teeth narrated consist in ...:
adult dog's teeth were 42 puppies
absolute of 28 teeth around 20 days mmmm teeth
4-6 weeks long front teeth together milk mmm. the last two months of age, All deciduous teeth long homogeneous, white, thin and keen.
2-4 replace the first deciduous incisors month mmm
5-6 months for the second and third mmm chest milk incisors and canines
8 months mm after all permanent teeth
1-year-old put on permanent teeth long mmmm Qi, white light, the upper incisors are sharp convex
1.5 annuals lower second incisors mmmm big spikes, worn to flush a small peak, this phenomenon is known as mmmm peak erase
2.5 years lower second incisors mmmm peak erase
3.5-year-old first maxillary incisors mmmm tip delete
4.5-year-old second maxillary incisors peak erase
5-year-old little mmmm peak mandibular third incisor wear, mandibular incisors wear surface for the first two fashions
6-year-old from the mandibular third-tipped indelible mmmm, dull canines mmmm
7-year-old to the first mandibular incisor tooth root dress, the wear surface for the perpendicular oval < br> 8-year-old mmmm wear for the front of the first mandibular incisors disposed
10-year-old mmmm mandibular second and appear ahead the first maxillary incisors wear vertical oval
10-16 year-old off canine incisors missing
mmmm Ten pet food the number one killer drug

chocolate contains caffeine and theobromine, a constituent called, these were the dogs into
heart and central nervous system caused great harm to the dog
children eat too many of these substances is very easy to poisoning. careful, careful.
sulfur among the onion and garlic, ambition break the dog's red blood cells, causing anemia
into. < br> The third
chicken small sharp spikes easily burst into shape. stabbed the dog's mouth and
intestine. Do not meditation that dogs like to eat whichever bones ah!
bone and the pig will cause harm to the dogs, small bone or pig is also very easy to wear
intestinal dog, if the bones stick together, it may hinder the intestinal system can
these foods have begun to mold, dogs, afterward eating can cause muscle spasms and
atrophy, followed by necrosis. all dog owners not to take the initiative to feed the dogs to eat. to
and to prevent the dog eat them from the waste bag.
raw or undercooked food contains a lot of bacteria and Salmonella,
dog eating can cause food poisoning. dogs and people, too, will eat meat
thoroughly cooked before consumption.
greasy food with high fat content, fat and cause the dog would endanger the dog < br> kid alive pancreatic inflammation. and the dog accustomed to the heavy smell of food,
will lead to the dog's sense of taste has convert more important, the formation of bad habits Diao dogs mouth.
Long-term consumption of sweet food, will lead to dogs prone to diabetes and fat
fat. and spicy food, because too exciting relationship will not eat dog savor
ninth < br> In particular, shrimps, crabs and other edible, it namely simple to make dog diarrhea and protozoa.
somebody will salt poisoning in dogs to stimulate spewing, merely in fact less than 1 / 2
teaspoon of salt is enough for the dog can be as fatal.
millions of non-edible plant (see slow free)
family if there are dogs and cats will bite to eat plants, it have to be thoughtful Some do not eat poisonous plants is not promising to cause quite serious problems that tin cause diarrhea, or up to the phenomenon, but some plants to eat, but can be fatal, and the following give some of the mutual poisonous plants to give your reference: < br> factories including insoluble oxalate bipinnata Dai Philodendron
Colorful roseate taro foliage

animals eaten, and because needle-like crystals protein lysozyme serious mouth and throat irritation. but also the phenomenon of havoc of blood containers cause bleeding.'ll see drooling, vomiting, larynx paralysis, or even more serious kidney failure.
stomach to stimulate plant
poinsettia pavilion parasitic Thorns, azaleas, tulips bulbs,
iris, amaryllis, castor bean, mommy of pearl fowl, England ivy, daphne, Christmas rose, holly plants, water the plants mainly wax tree can lead to gastrointestinal symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal ache and other symptoms, Thorns and there will be the phenomenon of cardiac arrhythmias.
Guanyin shirt alkali, English yew, Japanese Purple fir. In addition to fruit, the whole plant are toxic. would suppress the functioning of the heart due to myocardial stop going. cause animal death.
digitalis toxoid, oleander
Ling Lan
digoxin is a drug used to treat serious heart disease, is a substance extracted from the foxglove. But if you do not accidentally swallowed in the field of such plants, but can cause serious heart problems, a serious with syncope, dual shock, and even breathing and heartbeat may stop.

renal toxicity of plant type
lily flower lily, these plants in the cat, the phenomenon will cause tubular necrosis, within six hours if the time make sound treatment, the prediction is usually good. but a drag on more than 18 hours, but can easily lead to kidney failure and death.

soluble oxalates
rhubarb sauce beet
Health grass. sorrel grass. permanganate will dissolve in the blood, and calcium chelation. These will enter into calcium oxalate tubular prevention and death caused the phenomenon.
and plant toxic protein hormone drug class, castor beans, chicken mother beads, acacia. These toxins destroy the protein, and may cause red blood cell aggregation phenomenon. animal consumption, there will be stomatitis, glossitis and gastrointestinal problems provocation, severe detriment of equilibrium and cause muscle damage and kidney have hematuria and the phenomenon of lifted BUN.
solanine, Solanum nigrum, coral cherry, these plants are primarily caused along the noxious nerve poison, there will be on the gastrointestinal tract and neurological symptoms, some plants like Solanum nigrum, or even result in symptoms of organophosphate poisoning.
Baptist wood toxins, azaleas. will cause low blood pressure, and inhibition of respiratory and central nervous system.
adjoin provocation. asparagus, nettles
eating cat, dog bites and other
because of exposure to these plants cause irritation, while dermatitis, inflammation of the tongue phenomenon.
are documented in the literature of these plants will cause serious problems animals plants, do not make at home or even to touch the animals to eat, eat, but there will be a big problem, of way, teem in nature strange plants, animals who eat them do not know what will occur. I memorize If the home animals eat the plants listed above, be sure to Sign hospital, in order to avoid accidental.
many stairs dog owners, dog of the family class technology up and down stairs was very proud of dogs Once you learn up and down stairs, the master will be very elated to be holding it from without and down stairs every time, and when the proud owner of the dog's eyes to see, the hereafter surely does not like holding down the stairs to the main, but will want to immediately flew down the stairs with the owner.
dog before the age of 2, the speed of stair climbing is not merely class, I am fearful will be recollected often arrogant owner of carrying a bunch of things have not kept up, up and down stairs and met the owner neighbors chatted, they also often run back and forth several times more. dog stairs of capability, the age of four seems to be going; to six years later, the speed will slow a lot;-year-old, the dog is definitely up and down stairs will obediently, slowly walked the first order first order.
general domestic flat dormitory stairs extra than the depth of between 25 to 28 cm, height of extra than 20 cm and depth of this level and graphic design, scarcely suitable for people use, and dogs, the aircraft should be by 60 cm depth, the level of gap should be within 12 to 15 cm, so it is extra appropriate layer chart stairs up and down dog.
Although the dog up and down stairs on their own, the owner is a very labor-saving for something, but every day, long-term dog stairs, first-year-old will appear lumbar spine or limbs, joints hurt, to between six to eight, then prone to functional obstacles.
plane superficial stairs dog dogs
lumbar vulnerable people, dogs should be carefully watching the action on the stairs, in general, because the depth is too shallow stepladder plane, the foot can not make the dog's limbs have landed in the same plane order, so the dog on the stairs, about every step must be to play at the end of the bow arch Beiyao make two hind foot pads extended forward needle landing place from the forelimb footpad inside of the front, but the hips are still two levels below the hind foot pad, often, dogs will be at this time struggling with the two hind foot pad of the body shape up, go down to the top of the second forelimb footpad order climb the stairs to such a continuous between floors of the eight completed the order.
Although the movement of the line screen wonderful dog, do not lose to top-level athletes, but love the dog owner should take into account the dog up and down the stairs on the injury, long-term amass will make the dog's backbone and limbs cause excellent burden on joints, primarily in some apartments on the first layer to the third floor and down the stairs in a straight line, without turning, a dog on the stairs, you have 32 continuous order,guangzhou massage, in the middle did not have to recess , the youth dog owner Encore encouragement, struggling to expiration will be straight to the top, knowing that more serious damage to the dog.
clinical twenty years, the common dog owner suffering from lumbar spine bone spurs severe arthritis patients or when the hind legs, did he accomplish the number of times over the elapse use the stairs up and down to mushroom the dog's calorie consumption, no one thought many the dog up and down stairs several times, but it will be when the older dog, limbs, joints and lumbar cause of joint dysfunction of the attack.
6 dogs health warning:
the alarm: a absence of energy, physical weakness, slow movement, impact or even move the tail slightly sagging; melancholy looking, not vitality.
Alert II: is the nose dry and runny nose. This is the symptom of fever. However, the dogs will sleep dry nose, which is normal, do not anxiety.
attentive three: a bowel movement does not regular,shanghai escort, diarrhea, constipation, stool is sometimes svelte favor water, occasionally for hard as stone. a healthy puppy, almost double the everyday bowel activity, stool color deserving to another food, usually black or brown, and should temperate hardness.
alarm four: a loss of desire or appetite decreased quickly. If the dog can not eat clay or foreign material absorption, stomach function abnormal, there would not eat or vomiting.
agitate five : the eyes perceptive to light, there is gum, or even conjunctival congestion.
alert six: is body temperature. healthy body temperature is about puppies 38.5 ℃, puppies body temperature slightly higher. In general, dogs in the morning low temperature , at noon and evening high body temperature, about inconsistency 0.5 ℃. to the thermometer we caught in the dog's thigh for 5 minutes, body temperature is abnormally higher than 39 ℃.
Also if coughing, difficulty in urination, ear itching, foreign body you eat, the bottom friction and other anomalies on the ground, but also a reflection of disease, must not be ignored, delayed.
of scolding the dog can not usually do bad courses, use the angry intonation to narrate it to blame wrong. hit it will only obtain your dog and more to cerebral illness do not trust you.

dog dog prescript medication eruption blast relatively high cost of treatment, and remedy rates are low, many parents not to give up treatment. In fact, this medicine can be used with the retinue recipe: Coptis 6G, skullcap 10G, gardenia 10G, Alisma 15G, licorice 10G, silkworm 6G, Daqingye 10G, gentian 10G, habitat 20G, SM 20G, bile Southern Star 10G, Uncaria 6G,possibly they are the crew defeated the vgrouping team and the enthusiasm of the fans., Radix 10G, Viola 15G, Pinellia 6G, wood-10G, forsythia 15G, 10G
honeysuckle water 2000-2500ML. boil about 45 minutes, boiled about 250-300ML , each 15-25ML ,2-3 times / day
herbs can go to great pharmacies with prices at the peak of 7 yuan more, do not lightly give up your dog
first wrote this today, and after then gradually add the treatise ... the first child of my cute baby pictures, now is a huge matron. love it more than anything. though not too plain, but smart and pretty. a tiny fox.
Xiaobing pee distinctive position, two or three foot rear heave elevator martial masterpieces class.

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