Thursday, May 5, 2011

preferential honor because a diversity of inventions

Abadon (Abaddon)
Open way braved Bitian cloud aperture bottomless pit door, and then Abadon locusts led to the magic out of the naval, so that by five months of undergoing humanity. Abadon is the Hebrew word abadm he would kill - generating , and translated into Greek Apollyon, is the Education (Zoroastrimism, but also for Zoroastrianism, Zoroastrianism) said Angela. Manuel (Angra Mainyu), wrong sector, the maximum God, darkness and death of Lord British. Ahriman regarded with the Zoroaster God, Ahura. Mazda ongoing skirmish.
From: Persian
Category: devil
dangers: destruction of days off to
fighting: the class of God
Ahuizotl ( Water Monkey)
cannibalism in the Central American myth of monsters, half man, half monkey, tail minister has a hand grab to the water for people, especially eating the eyes, teeth and nails, sometimes with their own cry the people lead to water, will be caught.
from: Central USA
Category: Monsters
risk: high
combat: second-rate monster
Alcmene (AZ Mexico Line ) / Arachne (Allah Arachne)
Thebes, wife of King Anfeite Law Weng, YJ, after giving birth to Hercules by Zeus of Hercules. Arcana Line proficient Mexican weaving, Athena had challenges loom skills lost due to suicide, Athena will be reincarnated as a spider his soul, a woman upper body, lower body for the spiders, by the time the spider has eight legs, a mammoth spider living in the often weaving. legend She parasites in the human head, eating human will.
From: Greece
Category: Monsters
risk: unknown
combat: third-rate monster
Angel (Angel)
Jews, Christians and Muslims deem that angels are spiritual body of God service. Angels are the embodiment of adults usually have wings. God created man made the seraph before.
angels grading, said to have four discriminated around the throne of God, the Archangel. Gabriel, Mi Jiale, Lovell, Uriel. an angel and two Angels are a group of exceptionally lovely angel is said to be closest to God's angels. subsequent civilian put the Angels Legend of fantasy as chubby, winged child. There are some Christians believe that each of us will have a guardian angel emerge from to follow us and guide look after us in life.
six winged angel is known as the High Seraph . said:
Seraphim as seraphim, the angels compliment God. on the two wings they covered their faces, the two wings they covered their feet, two wings to fly; filled the whole earth! cherubim Cherubimn (the guardian of the Garden of Eden)
Thrones Ofanims (God's car)
Angel Corps three teams in the middle:
main angel Dominions (treatment of angels, God is responsible for the implementation of tasks assigned)
Virtues Virtues (the executor of miracles)
Angel Powers (heaven frontier fort)
3 teams in the lower Angels Legion:
rights Angels Principalities (Angel Army governor)
colossal Angels Archangels (responsible because communication between persons with God)
Angels Angels (general general guardian angel)
From: Hebrews
Category: eastern God
risk: behalf, but the multi-line injustice is liable to damn the
combat: as the grade of the
Ashmodeus (Ash Mexico Zeus)
Christian, one of the seven deadly sins [thirst] of the devil. The devil may be occasioned by Zoroastrianism from pass over the Persian was originally a Nestorian devil Ahriman one of the six men, Aeshma-deva, is the lust of the devil. evolution into Christianity, is outside the Code, one convict to Babylon, Israel) in the debut. His favorite human beings exclusively women, kill all the men and that women get married. archangel Raphael finally applied to extract a prototype list, fled to Egypt after the Archangel Gabriel Qin Zhu.
From: Hebrews / Persian
Category: Demon
risk: high
fighting: S
Bahamut (Bahamut)
Behemoth ( Bashir Holmes, see beneath) in the plural manner of person's world view, shaped like one colossal fish Bahamut, floating in a sea of ​​no bubble, in which the back is a giant cow, cattle back carrying a ruby ​​mountain, the mountain there is a angel, angels head is six re- hell, hell on Earth, the Earth is above the Seventh Heaven. Bahamut's body in the open, under the sea, ocean abyss of darkness underneath, and then following the fire of the ocean, a snake crawling on the bottom, if it were not for because of fear of Allah, the snake will swallow all creation is the navel. Bahamut is so large, the human eye can not reach, After Bahamut, who collapsed to the layer senseless for three days and three nights.
But Arab
dangerous animal: Unknown
combat: Unknown
Final Fantasy muster
Beelzebub (Bill Zerbe)
also known as Baal-Zebul, Baal-Zebub, known only to Lucifer, even when medical management when he answered whether he is depending on both the King of Ghosts Beelzebub actors out demons.
From: Hebrews
Category: Demon
dangers: destruction of days off to
combat; S +
Black Annis (Black Anni Si)
swamp living in the Scottish Highlands or cannibalism on the slopes of the witch, blue skin, one-eyed, old and ugly, often sitting on a crowd of bones appearance the grotto, if no one can eat, it will catch behind some of the sheep or deer eat.
from : Scotland
Category: Monsters
risk: high
combat: D
Brownie (brown Wizard)
Scottish legendary good elves, naughty boy (see Hobgoblin) variety. long,shanghai massage, like to live alone, sometimes in teams. and not the same as a number of additional naughty lad, brown elves do not like a practical joke, they want to live in harmony with others, if you are good, they will help you do the housework, But you can not give them compensation, a award they will ever gone to, you can return them by other manner, for example, they may accidentally left the place after some food (such as their preference drink milk). If you are brown sorcerer insulting (they sometimes are vulnerable to injury), will leave you and take away your good luck; if the abuse was great, they will alteration for the above mentioned Bojia Te (Boggart), continue to give you trouble.
Some people think that brown elves really lacking the Neolithic Age, marathon, suffering from outer invasion and forced to flee into the ground, some people feel that they are the patron angel of the Roman family Lal (Lar) descendant .
From: Scotland
Category: Monsters
risk: benefit / in
fighting: E ​​
Calydonian Boar (Kalv winter wild boar)
Greek mythology, the goddess of hounding Al Timmy Adams sent to the winter wilderness ravaged Kalv boar, was killed by Mexican Carlos Le leather.
From: Greece
Category: Monsters
risk: high
combat: B-
Carbuncle (Cabin Kerr, precious stones beast)
carbuncle ------ English aboriginal intent was to ruby, from Latin Carbunculus, averaging small Carboniferous. In mineralogy, it belongs to Ruby Ruby and Garnet Department.
precious beast from a legend: According to legend, the world record in the 16, the Spaniard saw a recondite being, a ruddy on his forehead jewel, people will obtain this jewel wealth and pleasure. Although there are many hazards find gems in the animal house, but the outcome is that no one ever saw.
From: Unknown
Category: Monsters
risk: None
combat: E-
Catoblepas (Ka Tuobu Lai Pasi)
the word in Greek as to kill the creature, if it is such a monster raised his head and then the legend of the first hh from Africa, because of its eyes has the effect of the die, and the Basilisk is sometimes muddled. For the same cause, it is also known as the Gorgon, This is the notable Medusa in Greek mythology confusing, but too many feud between the two hh fashion may be alike to the ability of the bar was so confused! this monster's skin is very hard, is said to be the same scale as the iron cover It is the body.
Gila described upon (penetrate Basilisk), we have referred to Blair Pass Cato, Pliny the Younger in the , according to his records, Cato Black Pass produced in the Nile by the source, kill. Some people calculate namely it is the model of wildebeest (South Africa produced a large antelope like cattle). because you can kill with a glance, so that at the Middle Ages, Cato Black Pass is thought an of a snake monster.
: Biological
risk: Disaster
combat: B +
Cecrops (engraved Chloe Phillips)
the legendary first throne of Athens, landlord of the upper body, lower body dragon. about his Legbring an end to ... Virgil's Category: Biological
risk: the
fighting: E ​​+
Centaur (Sagittarius strange)
Centaur in Greek mythology is a strange half-human half-horse, is affixed to scatter in King Ixion and the cloud product (Ixion careless pursuance of days due to the love of Hera, Zeus was kept knotted in hell forever turn the cycle on the penalty). Centaur There are many categories, some with the human body and limbs, but enhancement of the waist is back to scamper for the trunk and hind legs, and some have a couple of wings, and some long ears and a pair of horses, which are derived from Onocentaur, Bucentaur and Leontocentaur such names. In addition to Ken Ross family Chiron Tao ( Hakata Xuezhi of strange men, Achilles,beijing massage, and Asclepius Hermes preceptor, who gave their lives to save the Prometheus) and the relatively low level of Puhe Luo tribe, the largest part of the strange men with the liquor, violence, sex interlocked.
the centaurs are half man and half horse animal, it is often described as an unfinished work. Centaurs is Dionysus's followers, it is known alcohol and love charm. They live in North Greece, Thessaly's Pelion mountain, different way of saying they live in the Russian Intuit Salia Tashan and Perley Aung San. originally gods came to earth for punishment.
in the Near East some of the people of archaic sculptures and paintings also found traces of strange men, which is usually half-man half-horse hunter costume, bows and arrows is their chief weapon, the Near East people be regarded as the patron saint of their own. the Middle Ages men reprove a work of art in the English Channel, Bayeux tapestry stored in an exhibition hall here, where it recorded the Norman Conquest of 1066 events).
From: Greece
Category: Biological
risk: the
combat: E +
Cerberus (Cerberus)
E Kade it (see Echinda) and Typhon (see Typhon) in the offspring, the gatekeeper of hell in Greek mythology, the dog, the dog has three heads (He Xiao De's All roads snake. Hercules Hercules one of the tasks is to catch it back from hell, wearing the breastplate of Hercules, wearing lion skin, it would be uniform, back to Yang, Cerberus see the sun too afraid to spit out a toxic saliva, saliva trickling poison into a extremely toxic Aconitum ground grass. In addition to Hercules, the sun god Apollo, son of Orpheus has defeated Cerberus, According to legend, Orpheus good harp, the piano can be moved to vegetation, animals, and stone, to his wife Oriflame Dike rescued from hell, Orpheus Presley harp made by the hands of Cerberus resting.
Virgil said Cerberus had three throat, Ovid it is the cry of the trio, as Bishop Butler put it over the triple crown (the Bishop is the gatekeeper of heaven, hell Cerberus porter dog). Nordic mythology, there are a named Jiaer Mu (Garm) hell dog, it has four eyes were red with blood, temperament is very bloody, and, like Cerberus guarding the road to hell the door. Brahmanism offerings of God Yama's dog also has four eyes, Brahmanism and Buddhism in the hell are all covered with dog, who they are tortured soul.
From: Greece
Category : Warcraft
risk: high
combat: A-
Cockatrice (chicken snake)
a look like a snake and a rooster tail of the demon. Cockatrice in the Middle Ages drawing, heraldry, statue, architecture (for the church's decorations) in large numbers, it has a cock's head, body and legs, the snake's tail, the body favor a bird, yet it does not cover the plumes, yet covered with snake scales . namely said to be from the public and the snake eggs hatched, a person namely staring the ability of folk to the petrochemical or necrosis. Interestingly, antagonism the large mathematics of chickens in the craft in the snakes, but the story about it has few, Perhaps because it is the power to slay with a peep also muscular, tin not detect in literature the position (merely with the eyes of Medusa cornered folk into stone). in modern fantasy fiction tin be base on the chicken snake content, Square Enix's classical game (Cyclops)
living in Greek mythology, the island of Sicily three storm god mmBrontes (Raytheon), Sterops (power of God), and Arges (thunderbolt of God), they all belong to a giant family, features a ;, only the middle of his forehead in one eye. The Cyclops had been imprisoned in Tartarus (the abyss below Hades) among the later to transform the legend of the three wonderful blacksmith, to help the fire and the blacksmith of the gods Hefei Storrs forging artifacts, according to legend Zeus in the hands of the Lightning is cast by these three giants. In the original mythology, they are the son of North Ola, and later evolved into the son of Poseidon, and afterward from God The Cyclops system into a single family, this race is characterized by rough, like eating people, in Homer's > Risk: High
combat: B
Dragon Dragon
for the Western image of the dragon you are familiar with the game long dominated many of Western, the Western dragon is represented by four-foot wings, covered with dark and , will be fire-breathing, reptiles and birds, the equivalent of a mongrel is twice floor and ventilation majesty. Legends of the Dragon are usually those who attach to treasure.
East Rondo is magnificent, divine and a symbol of good luck , and most of Western dragons are evil, epic in the West, such as Greek mythology and Germanic mythology, Norse mythology, the story has a hero Dragon. This year, one called BeoWulf The Beowulf also died after creature bitten Agrimonia.
the Aga Memnon legend engraved on the shield is a three-headed dragon, the dragon then the Romans as a badge of the infantry brigade, guiding the Vikings to As the bow, the Bible, there are numerous records about dragons, usually as a symbol of KB.
from: Europe
Category: World of Warcraft
risk: high
combat: A
Dullahan ( Abdullah Han, Headless Horseman)
strange headless dead, alive are noble knight, death knight costume still, burly physique, wearing armor, knife in hand, one hand holding the head with a helmet ( death with a dagger medieval accustomed of head Zhanxia, ​​dagger known as the br> combat: Depending on the strength and lifetime pertinacity with death may be
Echinda / Echidna (E Kade s)
the globe goddess Gaia (a giant family of mother), daughter of the smart woman upper body, lower body is disgustful snake, and her husband Typhon gave birth to a lot of grim beasts, such as the above-mentioned vicious dog of hell Cerberus, Hydra Hydra, Harpy banshee Pierre Hardy ear, lion sheep preppy Kemira, Prometheus's vulture pecking, half lion and half eagle-headed dog Ott strange Ge Leifen Hughes and Hughes, with the two-headed dog otter gave birth to the Sphinx, and finally she was Argus Argus killed.
From: Greece
Category: Demon
risk: Disaster
combat: B-
Fafnir (Fafunier)
Nordic Saga of a dragon living in the ground to protect the treasure of light, after the hero killed by Fred West. West Fred is the Norse mythology of the knight, his exploits comprised killing the dragon, to get the sinister treasure; the god of campaign Odin one of the twelve maids Hilde Tests showed he needed Bulin (Bulin Shield after being enchanted slumber wake); later married a princess,shanghai massage, because Bulin Heald envy, were killed. According to legend, Fred West killed the dragon in the dragon drops of blood to the lips will get the same birds, the ability to speak, eat and use Dragon Heart Lung bloodbath back a bulletproof the invincible of the body. in the
Fenrir (Fen Lier)
wolf in Nordic mythology. the god of destruction and disaster, and the female giant Angel Alberta Rocky a terrible symbiosis of three children of the goddess of death and the underworld queen mm HE Seoul, earth python 约尔曼冈德 (Midgard Serpent), and Ju Lang Fen Lier. As fierce, was Thor with Thor smithery the nine days and nine nights a chain leash, but Fen Lier is simple to brake the bands of the necklace. gods no choice but to resort to good fabrication weapons of the dwarves, mountain dwarves with the root, cat's footsteps, fish inhalation, a woman's beard, bears, and the power of the saliva of the six infrequent birds forged into a thing called Lille finally destroy free of the basis of this hidden chain, engulfing sun, engulfing everything in the world to kill the king of the gods Odin, Odin in the killing, it is also the son of Odin, the Lord of forests and livelihood of peace Total assassination.
from: Nordic
Category: Giant (mutation only)
risk: destruction of days off to
fighting: S +
Devil / Demon (demon)
the devil is the world's most vicious evil label. in Christianity and Islam, the devil is derived from some of the betrayal of God's angels were cast out of heaven, the angels called demons. In John. Milton's work , the Prince .
Faerie (little witch)
European folklore is very important in a class of spirits, usually alive in the forest. modern renowned literature is often described as her slightly larger than the insects, the body color perspicuous, long a butterfly wings and antennae, in truth, this is is their life blood, is their power, lost the magic, the tiny wizard will gradually shrivel until it died. mini hag is alive in a world full of prodigies, bring an end to ...the magical world of peril, where the stately paradise and can be coexistence of fear nightmare.
Another feature of the little witch is advocating heroic war, even under utmost disadvantage, they can leisurely final victory. they have a proclivity to extremes, things in the world in their eyes not good is evil, there are no gray zones, so they think, whether for good or evil fighting fighting for their freedom as long as they should do everything.
Ghost / Phantom (specter)
spirits of the dead, ghosts, and as a Ghast, Gust, form the ghost in the West usually can not touch, erratic ghost.
Ghoul (Ghoul)
Muslims, an evil soul legend or evil, they are Excavating graves and eat the dead.
Warcraft infantry killed a family of ~ ~
Gremlin (Grameen Hamlin, Gelan Lin)
familiar with a variety of tools and machinery, naughty elves, and goblins and the Goblin is a distant relative. they Goblin, early is beneficial to the human morale. they can make faster and more sophisticated tools, which can also inspire craftsmen craftsmen contrived the technology. human Grameen Hamlin whether early revelation of technological development contribution to history may be changed. Unfortunately, maximum engineers do not know the exertion it takes to Grameen Hamlin, exclusive credit for a diversity of inventions, not even a trace of reputation left to them. so changed the Grameen Hamlin human perception. Now, they not only do not aid, too accustom their perception of tools and mechanism to make things tough for people, let people create a variety of tools and machinery are competent to run, Each family has a drip hh Grameen Hamlin, with the seaming machine like the home shook in, to live from generation to generation. family life of a small mistake for a chilly bath for a hot, hasty car explosion tire at go entire their cheats. World War II when the aeroplane is said that Grameen would destroy the engine Kremlin.
Grey men (gray age)
Gaelic in Scotland is called When the moon mushrooms from the depths approach the sea seem to climb according the row of pillars, like thunder as loudly. the gray old man appeared and a harbinger of death, the contents of his speech said that the prophecy is about death; saw the gray the elderly, or heard him say who will dead presently.
Griffin (Griffin, Griffin)
Greek mythology, the Gryphon, the body of a winged monster, but also as ; Griffon horns. According to Dante described some of Griffin's Yingtou golden, lion body chapter is white. Some people think that Griffin on benefit of the devil, when others think it is a sign of Christ, because in have this explanation: )
Harpy in Greek mythology, female demon, long a woman's head and body,sunstroke, long hair, a bird's wings and copper Niaozhao. legends Happy is Typhon (Typhon) and E Kade that (Echinda) of the 4 daughters mmAello (Storm), Celaeno (black tempest), Okypete (tossing), Podarge (Fleet of Foot) mm in common, they were originally Wind Wizard, Hades Hades of the messenger who is responsible for the marrow of the deceased sent to the Underworld. In the later they became the legendary nature Banshee Harpy penurious, all look starving and weary, they had adjoined all the unbearable asset will get sordid, foul smell. It is said that these Banshee mm bronze only alarm the voice of a thing.
From: Greece
Category: Monsters
risk: high
combat: E +
Hippalectryon / Hippalektryon (chicken Ma)
the front of the body as a horse, back to the monster cock. chicken horse appeared in the early Greek painted vases map, and often emerge as a hero by objects. But the fable about its origin and so not too much more documented.
Hippogriff (Ma eagle)
fabled creature half horse and half eagle. rumored he has a horse's body and hind legs, but it has eagle front paws and head.
Hobgoblin ( naughty boy)
Hobgoblin and the Goblin on the opposed, it refers to those friendly little elf. These little elves are mostly living alone, kind and friendly, and sometimes get out of some mischief. William Shakespeare in the mischievous elf forced grams (see Puck) is a typical Hobgoblin. Here is a small immortal Shakespeare's talk with the forced grams, from which we can see the naughty character:
you admit, you are probably good children is called Robin's cunning, and mischievous in the Wizard. you are used to frighten the village girl adore, summarized in the people's milk to the lotion on, so that all the breathless housewife cream is also not to stir; sometimes you wear black valley for others, and sometimes it does not spoil the wine fermentation; night hike, you put them into a maze, laughing himself hiding in the side; told you l Daisen r or l g r a good force, and you give him fortunate him workmanship: that is, you do?
compelled grams immortal, you're right it is; I was that elated night were. I Aobu Lang in front of all the jokes to interest him come up with mirth, and saw a fat Jingzhuang horses, I learned to female horse whinny fans it carried away; occasionally I turn into a baking cooked savage apple, hiding the old matron brandy bowl, beverage, etc., when she raised the bowl, I took the mine to her lips, put a bowl of ale are poured flat on her wrinkled peel on the throat; Sometimes I turned into a three-legged stool, full Belly ways of the world's aunt was after hours sit down and tell her story all seriousness, I did give her ass to work down the base, she turned into a big gold ingot, a call l Dude! r a cough smother a live, so the people nigh you convulsed with laughter, they grew build up comic, proboscis tears laughing, chatting away vowed never more interesting than this thing. La Hydra: a head of Hydra with nine, which is the most powerful in Greek mythology the dad of one hundred monster monster put the wind (typhon) and the feminine thfirst and foremost snake curious E Kade (Echinda) born down, there is a mentioning that Pala Si phallas and Styx (rill stynx) with the students, who live in the Arab Gulf Lo Gou SEA & SKI location in the marsh, known as Ronaldo hydra, it swallowed land, ravaged human and beast, malign, and it spits out poison gas also made a so-called annoy of the local swamp, but the universe Heracles born analytic (hercules) fair because the days of the detriment of sanity Houxi La's bordered and killed his wife and babies, In array to atone, he approved the oracle, to serve the King, particularly his cousin Mai Xini Leoch priests, particularly the manager who is not fatuous, he was to amuse Sheila, judged to do everything likely to kill Hercules, and he handed over to his twelve tasks impossible and the 1st is to kill the lion Nimei An invulnerability,toronto escorts, it was Hercules skin as armor to the second task, this second mission is to kill nine snake Hydra, the Hydra where in addition to its mighty poison, the poison it is also the earth Qi Du, but the body of the lion skin of Hercules bulletproof, so it's fangs, there is no direction in, but it nine heads, each head ambition be mow off regenerated, and the navel of the head which is immortal, so Heracles a big headache, but fortunately, his nephew 伊俄拉俄斯 afterward gave him a torch, and let He cut off one head every with a torch burns to jaws, it never grows no head. and the last head cut off behind the Hercules put it urgent the head with a big rock, it can no longer mischief, and eventually all the indicators were also smudged with the body of the hydra's sera, as Heraclitus ...

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