Thursday, May 5, 2011

the 5 elements namely Goldwater Muhuo soil

Shocked by the swine flu was underway,shanghai massage, there are a number of schools have been coerced to repeal the National Day, Mid-Autumn Festival vacation, the swine flu was absolutely rent people's normal life, and how hereafter evolution is illegible, came along the emulating prevention direction Although not a regular road feel, a morsel esoteric and mystic, but it really makes sense. can give this plan and annotated thoroughly so must be one adept who would like to.
world today, people corrupt, imbalance of yin and yang, five elements red grams, so a heap of disasters continued. Sutra says: , the people do? people can not be attributed to Chiang Kai-shek, can not poise the yin and yang; can not equilibrium of yin and yang, five elements will not be cis; five elements are not coils, a great many disasters will persist to happen.
the five elements that Goldwater Muhuo soil, in the human body is the five internal organs, is the five parties in the world. Ms Margaret nice man said: The elementary law is harmony, harmony is the yin and yang balance; yin and yang balance, is owned by Road, Hopewell Road. What is the Road? from a humanitarian who, in short, is that everyone's chapter. who do their farming Officer job, to do his responsibility, the responsibility of everyone to abide by their own to Hop Road; if to bishop vices, the detriment of our own duties, is losing Road.
Hop Road always the world, the earth tin harmony; harmony, corner can push the 5 factors; the 5 ingredients to move forward, all the normal biochemical, no merely the accident of various natural disasters.
human body is a small world. human lung and kidney spleen heart of the five elements can not work properly,shanghai massage, the body will produce disease. the world as well. the lawful segment of society is a society the five elements, the official section of society moral hazard, the five elements muddle, social unrest and disasters inevitably generate. For example, the body's sore, is the subsidence in the natural places; the body's qi, in the natural aspect is the air; So, to say, all the malign the world is entirely the result of Heaven and Man.
the length of human things, shall on benefit of the days way street, for a kind of animal models and examples of co-channel only. to today's colossal Most people, cunning greedy, evil ecology of mind, meat, savage animals than that scourge of the world often, Souls have been seeding. Ironically, under the scourge of mankind established their own, but in turn, reprove their own sin made to the animals. People can query ourselves to calculate about, since period immemorial, the human pests, or physical damage to it? how numerous people every year to kill pigs, how many pigs eat? pig leather, pig peel straps, cilia brushes, and all sorts of biological products, not all derived from animals? this to say, humans are the most marble, the most ruthless, the most ungrateful animals do?
order to encounter their ever-expanding human appetites, nearly lunatic as the exploitation and plundering of natural resources, human and additional creatures for the survival of the ecological surroundings havoc, water pollution, deforestation, the Earth became so full of chasms, foul, these are human beings do? or animals is it?
today's increasingly solemn and increasing natural disasters, clearly the evil of human species for of their own, made their own sin, the dead man had the audacity deny it, and not blame the bird flu to birds body, the SARAS blame to the civet cat who now blame repeatedly swine flu to pigs. Who could have plenty certify that the swine flu is spread from pigs to humans? pig who is the spread of influenza? Humanity must understand that a remove, today the spread of swine influenza in the world, not the pig influenza, but a appropriate human transportation of novel viruses, is a human plague!
swine influenza viruses of today's popular nor namely the H1N1 virus, the virus is not H5N1, but a afterward a fashionable tug variation, namely is, the virus is currently not pill that can be controlled. may be a number of pill companies today, but illiterate of the rectitude to tell lies, claiming that they have successfully amplified a swine flu vaccine, this is not a liar What is it? well as those production profits, take advantage of fishing a businessman, demanding that drugs can control the swine flu tt. If you pressed beyond, the narcotic actually competent to control the swine flu? they buzz and haw to mention, at least can melodrama a decisive effect. efficacy and control are 2 another notions. if that effect, simply take a deep expiration, eat extra vegetables and fruits can effect of various flu, but can say this means you can control the swine flu?
imbalance of yin and yang of today's world, the Five Elements red gram, people corrupt and morally bankrupt, resulting in a variety of disasters continue to occur, from Heaven and Man point of view, to talk about cause and effect of avian influenza:
fowl in five acts of fire, Huozhu culture, the avian flu pandemic, a bird from heaven, died in the floor, landing the picture of civilization. fire located in the South, in the ten Second Earthly Branches for the p.m., so the bird flu from the South (Southeast Asia) began to spread, Meridian hedge, so the bird flu from south to north along the circulation.
reasons: human yin fire personally. official who home-fire, but some is Politicians can not lead by example, set an example for the four classes, but corrupt they simply personal renown and gain, regardless of people's livelihood; world fame, contradictions squabbles, like narcissism, good face, cute and hate, debauchery; these are human Yin Fire Allusions phenomenon.
consequences: pique injured. reign, the South had disaster; in animals, as birds in distress; in the human body, it is high blood pressure, heart disease, high blood diseases hh.
determine method: human beings must, in turn, went to Yang on the bombard, so all the pertinent class of fire disasters such as woods fires, bird flu, certainly can not furnish.
sensor and from the viewpoint of Nature and Man, speak approximately the swine flu Causality:
pig behavior in five water,shanghai escort, water is the wealth and wisdom, swine flu epidemic, corruption of wealth and wisdom like. Pigs in the twelve Earthly Branches for the Hideaway, situated in the northwest, so the swine flu from the north-west (North America ) began to scatter, f Hai conflict, terror of swine flu spread from the northwest to the southeast around.
reasons: human cloudy water personally. In order to meet their ever-expanding human desires, wanton destruction of the ecological environment, water pollution, this is the deterioration of the water like; money is water, unscrupulous people of the world, pillage and kill for money, swindling, acquire filthy money, filthy money to cost, this is the corruption of the water like; people not correct, the machine questing treachery, ingratitude , Tanjiu greed, this is the corruption of the water like; amid housewives living in a level, not dutiful housekeeper, messing around with people appearance, this is the corruption of the water like; businessman alive level, traders not to operate whether, Quo advantage, the main genuine, but the mercenary to counterfeit true, Kengpian purchasers,today alternatively so chilly ~ ~ do no favor winter, which is the deterioration of the water like.
consequences: water vapor harmed. dynasty, the northwardly a disaster; in five animals, as pigs in distress; in person, the bladder and kidney were increased; in the social, economic, buffet, wrong businessmen.
along saying: a lot of rich human in this resort, this is to be a really arouse the conscience of the people, to stop those greedy, callous rich, unscrupulous, ravenous who plunders the asset.
global recession two years, is variant tsunami, people shrieked him the financial tsunami. Shui Health Disaster ailment class of entities First, water can not creatures, collection deserving to overrunning; Second, water is taint grams. the real estate manufacture in the five elements are earth, the world's fiscal creations and businessmen in the five elements of water, the financial emergency stems from Bank of USA honor on real estate This is should be soil grams of water. Some international financial creations and jobbers in the legitimacy, the treatment of the stock mart and futures market,shanghai escort, a monopoly of resources, wealth, plunders, dry as a thief perform, leading to additional social disparities, which more than the abuse of water, but eventually died of his own money and wealth, like the tsunami in Southeast Asia as merchants died. The only feud is that the tsunami is not water, but their accumulated wealth. hydropower raw lumber, In the five permanent members of the cardinal wood benevolence, philanthropy and public welfare in society is the occasion of maximum of the businessmen do not pity, do not ambition liberalness money to aid the poor of the people, which is water from raw wood.
anything in the world has its own cause and effect. Many businessmen in the present financial crisis in the bankruptcy of suicide, not so many who died in occurrences and natural disasters, as that died in their lust and wealth. soil grams of water, pigs is water, so the swine fever pestilence in the nation, the number of ten million pigs were massacred manipulation. So, to say, all things related with the dismal water will lead to corresponding disaster.
resolve method: the world must put water into a yin yang water, so water-related natural disasters can not afford. by saying: people talk about faith, justice is a gold, to the golden land, land greed forget grams of water from natural disasters. Rende motives not only to businessmen, but too to Zhangyishucai, in the public amuse, this not only can grow their own fate, but also can be stretched their own value. Gatha said:
approve their fate is not acknowledged acknowledged account, hard to leave the body soft and life skills;
human loyalty is real gold, real gold is not afraid Huo-yen aggression.
five Huang forthcoming evil, the reversal of yin and yang Kyrgyzstan God;
afraid everybody gives the god of plague, the god of plague were still afraid of Hau.
conceal masks to dodge the pestilence, I'm scared mouth hard cover cover Heart;
said hand cleaning was not plague, turned out the heart is the Blast root.
said to the Buddha made of all idealism, all have fruit for a reason;
Wu Jin Yan Road, messaging intonations, no epidemic plague Reformed world.

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